Category: Top 5

Top 5 Update

Bass fishing is back in business as a pair of anglers add five bass to our 2025 Top 5 project.

Fish: Spotted Bass
Weight: 1 lbs. 14 oz.
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: March 18, 2025
Weather: Bright sun with blue skies.
Air temperature: Low 70s. Light wind.
Water temperature: 60 degrees
Location: Lake Keowee at Seneca, SC
Lure: Silver and black 3 ½ inch shallow running Rapala
Angler Comments: Trolled the lure for about an hour before catching a small spotted bass which I didn’t bother to measure. Attached the lure to the downrigger and lowered it to 22 feet in 50 feet of water. Within a few minutes I hooked and landed the fish.

Fish: Spotted Bass
Weight: 2 lbs. 8 oz.
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: March 18, 2025
Weather: Bright sun with blue skies.
Air temperature: Low 70s. Light wind.
Water temperature: 63 degrees
Location: Lake Keowee at Seneca, SC
Lure: Silver and black 3 ½ inch shallow running Rapala
Angler Comments: Stopped using the downrigger and ventured up a narrow arm and came to a place where bait fish were being chased on the surface. (The water temperature was 63 degrees. In the open areas of the lake the water temperature was 60 – 61 degrees.) I stopped the boat just short of three big, submerged logs. I made a few casts and finally a bass took the lure. The fish was on the other side of the logs, so I had to horse the fish over each log. It was just luck the line didn’t snag on the logs, or the fish didn’t throw the hook. The water was clear, so I saw it all happen.

Fish: Spotted Bass
Weight: 1 lbs. 4 oz.
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: March 18, 2025
Weather: Bright sun with blue skies.
Air temperature: Low 70s. Light wind.
Water temperature: 61 degrees
Location: Lake Keowee at Seneca, SC
Lure: Silver and black 3 ½ inch shallow running Rapala
Angler Comments: I trolled the Rapala on my way to the boat ramp and hooked this fish in open water.
Top 5 Weight: 5-10 (2-8,1-14,1-4)

Weight: 0-15 (12.5″)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: March 22
Weather: Partly cloudy/breezy, 50F
Water Temp: Not available
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Z-Man Chatterbait (white) with Yamamoto Zako trailer (Tennessee shad)
Structure: Submerged log
Angler Comments: A reliable batch of sunken logs comes through again with a keeper.

Weight: 1-15 (16″)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: March 22
Weather: Partly cloudy/breezy, 50F
Water Temp: Not available
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Strike King Red Eye Shad (red craw)
Structure: Drop
Angler Comments: A spot where I regularly break out the lipless crank comes through on the bait again with what is currently my Top Bass of the year.
Top 5 Weight: 6-1 (1-15,1-11,1-8,0-15)

Exciting to have another batch of submissions for a solid start. Here’s to many more so send them my way when you catch ‘em. The email address is and requires a picture of the fish along with the weight (minimum 12″ length and weight to nearest ounce) and whatever other information you are willing to provide. For me, the more information the better but if you don’t wish to divulge your stomping grounds, I understand. The concept of the Top 5 is to track your five biggest bass of the year boosting your weight as you land larger bass that boot smaller bass out of your creel

Good luck out there and talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

We are off and running with another year of the Top 5 project courtesy of a pair of catches from the Hennepin Canal.

Weight: 1-8
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: March 14
Weather: Overcast/very windy, 80F
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Z-Man chatterbait (white) with Yamamoto Zako trailer (Tennessee shad)
Structure: Submerged logs
Angler Comments: My third cast of the trip resulted in my first bass of the year, and it was large enough to kick off my Top 5 as a bonus.

Weight: 1-11
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: March 14
Weather: Overcast/very windy, 80F
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Z-Man chatterbait (white) with Yamamoto Zako trailer (Tennessee shad)
Structure: Submerged logs
Angler Comments: It took several casts at varying angles to a collection of submerged logs before I found a bass that was interested.
Top 5 Weight: 3-3 (1-11,1-8)

It’s great to get on the board and I am looking forward to many more. Stay tuned for the full fishing report on these catches and good luck to those who get out there on the water. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 All-Time Stats

Eleven years of the Top 5 project have seen over eleven hundred bass submitted by a varying cast of anglers. Being a fan of statistics, here is the latest look at the all-time numbers.

Group Totals = 1125 bass
2014 = 154
2015 = 106
2016 = 136
2017 = 79
2018 = 116
2019 = 95
2020 = 90
2021 = 92
2022 = 100
2023 = 88
2024 = 69

Submissions by month
266 April
187 May
152 June
136 March
108 July
75 September
68 October
41 August
38 November
33 February
13 December
8 January

Top 10 Top 5 Monthly Weights (group total)
37-9 May 2014
29-8 June 2014
29-7 March 2016
29-2 April 2014
28-10 April 2022
28-9 October 2018
28-7 December 2016
27-14 April 2015
27-12 March 2015
27-11 July 2014

Top 5 Weights by Month (group total)
January (2018) = 13-5 (3-15, 2-7, 2-6, 2-6, 2-3)
February (2016) = 22-9 (6-7,4-15,4-10,4-1,2-8)
March (2016) = 29-7 (6-5,6-1,5-14,5-10,5-9)
April (2014) = 29-2 (8-0, 5-11, 5-10, 4-15. 4-14)
May (2014) = 37-9 (9-4, 8-10, 8-8, 6-1, 5-2)
June (2014) = 29-8 (6-11, 6-4, 5-10, 5-8, 5-7)
July (2014) = 27-11 (6-6, 6-0, 5-5, 5-0, 5-0)
August (2019) = 19-4 (4-14,4-10,4-6,2-14,2-8)
September (2019) = 24-5 (5-3,5-0,5-0,4-12,4-6)
October (2018) = 28-9 (6-3,5-14,5-10,5-10,5-4)
November (2018) = 26-1 (7-2,6-12,4-3,4-0,4-0)
December (2016) = 28-7 (7-7,6-5,5-13,4-11,4-3)

Monthly Top Bass
3-15 Mark Balbinot 1/27/18 Crankbait
6-7 Mike Overturf 2/27/16 Plastic Worm
7-0 Randy Sampson Sr. 3/22/15 Jig
8-0 Kamryn Kaesebier 4/13/14 Crankbait
9-4 Jake Bresson 5/23/14 Jig
6-11 Ty Hartlipp 6/11/14 Topwater Frog
6-6 Jake Bresson 7/11/14 Plastic Worm
6-8 Gary Le 8/16/14 Swimbait
6-0 Austin Chapman 9/19/15 Jig
7-4 Mark Balbinot 10/29/17 Jig
7-2 Mark Balbinot 11/23/18 Underspin
7-7 Mark Balbinot 12/11/16 Underspin

Public vs. Private Water
Public = 842 bass
Public Top 5 Weight Record 32-2 (2014) vs. 19-9 (2024)
Private = 266 bass
Private Top 5 Weight Record 33-14 (2017) vs. 1-3 (2024)
Undisclosed = 17 bass

Boat vs. Bank
Boat = 605 bass
Boat Top 5 Weight Record 33-14 (2017) vs. 17-12 (2024)
Bank = 514 bass
Bank Top 5 Weight 40-14 (2014) vs. 18-14 (2024)
Undisclosed = 6 bass

The Baits (44 undisclosed)
300 Plastic Worms (Top Bass 6-8 Mark Balbinot 11/20/16)
124 Lipless Crankbaits (6-3 Mark Balbinot 10/20/18)
122 Spinnerbaits (6-14 Chris Schwarz 3/25/20)
89 Chatterbaits (5-15 Jim Junk 6/22/20)
87 Crankbaits (8-0 Kamryn Kaesebier 4/13/14)
66 Jigs (9-4 Jake Bresson 5/23/14)
55 Jerkbaits (5-10 Ty Hartlipp 6/5/14)
36 Buzzbaits (5-9 Troy Jackson 4/25/17)
33 Swimbaits (8-10 Gary Le 5/4/14)
30 Creature Baits (6-15 Mark Balbinot 5/13/17)
29 Swim Jigs (6-13 Jake Bresson 4/9/15)
22 Topwater Frogs (6-11 Ty Hartlipp 6/11/14)
17 Propbaits (6-2 Jake Bresson 5/1/15)
14 Underspins (Top Bass 7-7 Mark Balbinot 12/11/16)
13 Poppers (3-1 Troy Jackson 9/25/01)
12 Tubes (Top Bass 5-0 Jake Bresson 4/28/15)
10 Grubs (Top Bass 7-0 Chris Schwarz 11/28/20)
8 Livebait (5-14 Jim Junk 7/4/14)
6 Stickbaits (6-6 Mark Balbinot 8/27/17)
5 Ultralights (3-1 Paul Kessler 10/12/17)
2 Inline Spinners (5-2 Jake Bresson 9/17/17)
1 Blade Baits (5-3 Mark Balbinot 11/16/19)

Top 10 Top 5 Bass
9-4 Jake Bresson 5/23/14 Jig
8-10 Gary Le 5/4/14 Swimbait
8-8 Jake Bresson 5/23/14 Jig
8-0 Kamryn Kaesebier 4/13/14 Crankbait
7-7 Mark Balbinot 12/11/16 Underspin
7-4 Mark Balbinot 10/29/17 Jig
7-2 Mark Balbinot 11/23/18 Underspin
7-0 Randy Sampson Sr. 3/22/15 Jig
7-0 Chris Schwarz 11/28/20 Grub
6-15 Mark Balbinot 5/13/17 Creature Bait

The 20-Pound Club
33-14 Mark Balbinot 2017 (7-4,6-15,6-13,6-8,6-6)
32-13 Jake Bresson 2014 (9-4, 8-8, 6-6, 4-10, 4-1)
32-13 Mark Balbinot 2016 (7-7,6-8,6-5,6-5,6-4)
32-0 Gary Le 2014 (8-10,6-8,5-12,5-10, 5-8)
31-9 Mark Balbinot 2018 (7-2,6-12,6-3,5-14,5-10)
30-5 Chris Schwarz (7-0,6-14,5-12,5-7,5-4)
29-7 Austin Chapman 2015 (6-4,6-2,6-0,5-14,5-3)
27-13 Jim Junk (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-1,4-7)
27-12 Jake Bresson 2015 (6-13,6-2,5-5,5-0,4-8)
27-6 Randy Sampson Sr 2015 (7-0,6-1,4-13,4-12,4-12)
27-6 Jake Bresson 2016 (6-3,5-13,5-4,5-2,5-0)
26-13 Troy Jackson 2017 (6-2,5-11,5-9,5-0,4-7)
26-4 Austin Chapman 2016 (5-14,5-10,5-2,4-14,4-12)
26-1 Brice Wangler 2014 (5-11, 5-5, 5-2, 5-0, 4-15)
26-0 Jim Junk (6-0,5-5,5-3,5-2,4-6)
25-13 Jim Junk (5-15,5-5,4-15,4-14,4-12)
*25-9 Jim Junk (5-9,5-5,5-1,4-14,4-12)
25-8 Brice Wangler 2015 (5-7,5-4,5-2,4-14,4-13)
25-4 Mark Balbinot 2019 (5-5,5-3,5-1,4-14,4-13)
24-14 Ty Hartlipp 2014 (6-11, 5-10, 5-5, 4-0, 3-4)
24-14 Jim Junk 2019 (5-3,5-1,5-0,4-14,4-12)
24-9 Terry Isbell 2014 (5-8,5-4,5-2,4-8,4-3)
23-12 Jake Bresson 2017 (5-4,5-2,5-2,4-3,4-1)
23-11 Randy Sampson Sr. 2017 (6-0,4-14,4-12,4-11,3-6)
23-8 Jim Junk 2018 (5-4,5-2,4-9,4-5,4-4)
22-15 Adam Bean 2015 (5-13,4-9,4-6,4-2,4-1)
22-13 Mike Mooney 2014 (6-4, 5-7, 4-3, 3-9, 3-6)
22-12 Troy Jackson 2015 (5-13,4-13,4-10,3-12,3-12)
21-8 Randy Sampson Sr. 2016 (5-12,5-8,4-11,3-1,2-8)
*21-10 Troy Jackson (5-3,4-10,4-2,4-1,3-10)
21-7 Brice Wangler 2016 (4-8,4-7,4-4,4-2,4-2)
21-3 Troy Jackson 2016 (5-9,5-4,3-9,3-7,3-6)
20-15 Chris Schwarz 2018 (4-11,4-11,4-8,4-0,3-1)
20-14 Troy Jackson 2014 (4-13, 4-6, 4-2, 4-1, 3-8)
20-12 Chris Schwarz 2019 (5-3,5-0,3-11,3-10,3-4)
20-9 Austin Chapman 2014 (4-15, 4-4,4-0,3-13,3-9)
20-1 Bruce Zilkowski 2014 (4-11,4-3,4-0,3-12,3-7)
20-0 Troy Jackson (4-10,4-4,4-3,3-9,3-6)

And just for fun…

All-Time Weights (30-pound minimum “career” mark)
(Note: not all anglers have participated each year)
216-11 Troy Jackson
212-1 Jim Junk
168-6 Brent Jackson
123-8 Mark Balbinot
111-11 Jake Bresson
76-4 Austin Chapman
73-0 Brice Wangler
72-15 Bruce Zilkowski
72-10 Randy Sampson, Sr.
72-0 Chris Schwarz
66-12 Paul Kessler
45-11 Mike Mooney
54-15 John Kirkemo

A lot to digest there and eager to see how year number twelve of the Top 5 project will shake out in 2025. Talk to you later. Troy

2024 Top 5 Results

Congratulations to our Top 5 winner for 2024, Brent Jackson, with a limit of bass weighing 17-14. Steadily boosting his weight from April through October put him at the top of our crew. He also becomes our first angler to claim the title while catching the bulk of his fish from a kayak, an approach that has seen a boom in popularity across the nation. Read on for the results of the 2024 season.

Angler Weights
Brent Jackson 17-14 (3-15,3-12,3-9,3-6,3-4)
Jim Junk 17-5 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-1,2-6)
Troy Jackson 16-5 (3-10,3-6,3-3,3-2,3-0)
John Kirkemo 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)
Julia Jackson 8-12 (2-10,1-10,1-10,1-8,1-6)
Jayce Jackson 3-4 (3-4)
Brady Jackson 1-3 (1-3)


Bass Totals (largemouth and spotted)

2024 Totals
March = 15 bass
April = 16 bass
May = 11 bass
June = 12 bass
July = 7 bass
August = 1 bass
September = 4 bass
October = 1 bass
November = 2 bass

Top 5 Weight by Month
March = 18-3 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-4,3-1)
April = 11-0 (2-8,2-7,2-4,2-0,1-13)
May = 14-15 (3-6,3-4,3-0,2-12,2-9)
June = 14-7 (3-12,3-0,2-10,2-9,2-8)
July = 16-2 (3-15,3-3,3-2,2-15,2-15)
August = 1-3 (1-3)
September = 11-5 (3-10,3-6,3-2,1-3)
October = 3-9 (3-9)
November = 3-0 (1-15,1-1)

Boat vs. Bank
Boat = 49 bass
Bank = 20 bass

Boat vs. Bank Weight
Boat = 17-12 (3-15,3-12,3-9,3-4,3-4)
Bank = 18-14 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-10,3-6)

Public vs. Private
Public = 68 bass
Private = 1 bass

Public vs. Private Top 5 Weight
Public = 19-9 (4-6,3-15,3-14,3-12,3-10)
Private = 1-3 (1-3)

The Baits
Jerkbait = 18 bass (Top Bass 2-8 John Kirkemo)
Chatterbait = 10 bass (Top Bass 4-6 Jim Junk)
Plastic Worm = 9 bass (Top Bass 3-15 Brent Jackson)
Frog = 8 bass (Top Bass 3-10 Troy Jackson)
Propbait = 8 bass (Top Bass 3-0 Troy Jackson)
Popper = 5 bass (Top Bass 3-12 Brent Jackson)
Lipless Crankbait = 4 bass (Top Bass 2-6 Jim Junk)
Spinnerbait = 4 bass (Top Bass 3-9 Brent Jackson)
Buzzbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 2-9 Troy Jackson)
Crankbait = 1 bass (Top Bass 1-11 Troy Jackson)

Monthly Top Bass
4-6 Jim Junk
2-8 John Kirkemo
3-6 Brent Jackson
3-12 Brent Jackson
3-15 Brent Jackson
1-3 Brady Jackson
3-10 Troy Jackson
3-9 Brent Jackson
1-15 Troy Jackson

2024 Top 10 Bass
4-6 Jim Junk 3/3
3-15 Brent Jackson 7/19
3-14 Jim Junk 3/18
3-12 Brent Jackson 6/27
3-10 Jim Junk 3/3
3-10 Troy Jackson 9/29
3-9 Brent Jackson 10/19
3-6 Brent Jackson 5/4
3-6 Troy Jackson 9/29
3-4 Jayce Jackson 3/31
3-4 Brent Jackson 5/5

Other Species

Troy Jackson 3-13 (3-13)

Channel Catfish
John Kirkemo 2-3 (2-3)

Freshwater Drum
Troy Jackson 2-10 (2-10)

John Kirkemo 28” (28”)

Striped Bass
John Kirkemo 9-13 (3-5,2-6,1-12,1-6,1-0)

Trout (brown and rainbow)
John Kirkemo 24” (12”, 12”)

Stay tuned for a recap of the all-time Top 5 stats covering eleven years of the pursuit. And anyone who is interested is invited to hop on board as we work towards a dozen years of participation. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

A submission from the southeast gives us one more update as we head into the final month of the year.

Fish: Spotted bass
Weight: 1lbs. 6 oz.
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: November 26, 2024
Weather: Partly cloudy, Air temperature mid-60s
Water temperature: 67 degrees
Water depth: 33 feet
Location: Lake Keowee, SC (See attached map)
Lure: Rapala X-Rap (Perch)
Comments: Trolled shallow running silver and black Rapala for a while without any hits. Switched to the Rapala X-Rap which is a deeper running suspending lure and caught this fish trolling through the area indicated on the map.
Top 5 Weight: 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)

Winning Lure – Rapala X-Rap (perch)

Winning location (I am also intrigued by the “Mississippi Gumball Company” to upper right of picture)

Thank goodness we have a representative in warmer climes as the ice is beginning to form in my neck of the woods. Will this be our final fish of 2024? Time will tell. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

A pair of November bass shows up this week. And while neither was large enough to boost either angler’s Top 5 Weight, it sure is nice to still be catching bass as the year winds down.

Weight: 1-3 (spotted bass)
Angler: John KIrkemo
Date: November 6
Weather: Partly cloudy
Air Temp: 70s
Water Temp: 72
Location: Lake Keowee (near the Fairfield Inn on Route 123, Seneca, SC
Lure: Rapala X-Rap (perch)
Angler Comments: Trolled a shallow running silver and black Rapala for a while without any hits. Switched to the Rapala X-Rap which is a deeper running suspending lure and caught this fish trolling through the area indicated on the attached map. I turned around and began trolling the same lure across the same area in the opposite direction and hooked another fish but lost it before I could get it close to the boat. No other hits during 2 hours of fishing.
Top 5 Weight: 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)

Bonus pics from John of the Rapala X-Rap and an “X” marks the spot of where to troll it

Weight: 1-15 (15.5”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: November 10
Weather: Partly cloudy, very windy
Water Temp: Not available
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: War Eagle Spinnerbait (chartreuse/white)
Structure: Drop
Angler Comments: This was the first bass of the outing, and it bit five minutes after launching. I had high hopes, but the bite turned out to be slow with only two more bass in the next two hours. All good though as they are all “bonus” bass at this point in the year.
Top 5 Weight: 16-5 (3-10,3-6,3-3,3-2,3-0)

Time will tell if we get any more submissions, but the weather up here is still holding out, so you just never know. And those South Carolina bass should still be plenty active with water temperatures in the seventies. Stay tuned for an overdue Top 5 Stat Update soon and there’s a fishing report to submit to cover my November 10 visit to The Canal. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

We have our first submission from October as Brent found a good bite at the strip mines.

Weight: 3-9
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: October 19
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Spinnerbait
Editor’s Note: Brent’s full report consisted of a two-hour trip where he landed nine bass with a Top 5 Weight of 7-12, all on a spinnerbait.
Top 5 Weight: 17-14 (3-15,3-12,3-9,3-6,3-4) culls a 3-2

A solid boost late in the year is always something to cheer about. Here’s to adding a few more fish for a strong finish to 2024. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Stats

A new month means a look at the current Top 5 Stats. The last couple of months have been lean for submissions as it can get tough to find a fish to boost the total this late in the year. But they are out there, just have to keep on casting.

Bass Totals (largemouth and spotted)

2024 Totals
March = 15 bass
April = 16 bass
May = 11 bass
June = 12 bass
July = 7 bass
August = 1 bass
September = 4 bass

Top 5 Weight by Month
March = 18-3 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-4,3-1)
April = 11-0 (2-8,2-7,2-4,2-0,1-13)
May = 14-15 (3-6,3-4,3-0,2-12,2-9)
June = 14-7 (3-12,3-0,2-10,2-9,2-8)
July = 16-2 (3-15,3-3,3-2,2-15,2-15)
August = 1-3 (1-3)
September = 11-5 (3-10,3-6,3-2,1-3)

Boat vs. Bank
Boat = 46 bass
Bank = 20 bass

Boat vs. Bank Weight
Boat = 17-6 (3-15,3-12,3-4,3-4,3-3)
Bank = 18-14 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-10,3-6)

Public vs. Private
Public = 65 bass
Private = 1 bass

Public vs. Private Top 5 Weight
Public = 19-9 (4-6,3-15,3-14,3-12,3-10)
Private = 1-3 (1-3)

The Baits
Jerkbait = 17 bass (Top Bass 2-8 John Kirkemo)
Chatterbait = 10 bass (Top Bass 4-6 Jim Junk)
Plastic Worm = 9 bass (Top Bass 3-15 Brent Jackson)
Frog = 8 bass (Top Bass 3-10 Troy Jackson)
Propbait = 8 bass (Top Bass 3-0 Troy Jackson)
Popper = 5 bass (Top Bass 3-12 Brent Jackson)
Lipless Crankbait = 4 bass (Top Bass 2-6 Jim Junk)
Buzzbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 2-9 Troy Jackson)
Spinnerbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 3-0 Troy Jackson)
Crankbait = 1 bass (Top Bass 1-11 Troy Jackson)

Monthly Top Bass
4-6 Jim Junk
2-8 John Kirkemo
3-6 Brent Jackson
3-12 Brent Jackson
3-15 Brent Jackson
1-3 Brady Jackson
3-10 Troy Jackson

2024 Top 10 Bass
4-6 Jim Junk 3/3
3-15 Brent Jackson 7/19
3-14 Jim Junk 3/18
3-12 Brent Jackson 6/27
3-10 Jim Junk 3/3
3-10 Troy Jackson 9/29
3-6 Brent Jackson 5/4
3-6 Troy Jackson 9/29
3-4 Jayce Jackson 3/31
3-4 Brent Jackson 5/5

Angler Weights
Brent Jackson 17-7 (3-15.3-12,3-6,3-4,3-2)
Jim Junk 17-5 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-1,2-6)
Troy Jackson 16-5 (3-10,3-6,3-3,3-2,3-0)
John Kirkemo 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)
Julia Jackson 8-12 (2-10,1-10,1-10,1-8,1-6)
Jayce Jackson 3-4 (3-4)
Brady Jackson 1-3 (1-3)

Other Species

Troy Jackson 3-13 (3-13)

Channel Catfish
John Kirkemo 2-3 (2-3)

Freshwater Drum
Troy Jackson 2-10 (2-10)

John Kirkemo 28” (28”)

Striped Bass
John Kirkemo 9-13 (3-5,2-6,1-12,1-6,1-0)

Trout (brown and rainbow)
John Kirkemo 24” (12”, 12”)

A tight race at the top of the Top 5 Bass totals with just over a pound separating the top three anglers. We’ll see what October has in store. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

It’s been a while, but I get to contribute a couple of bass to this week’s update. Hopefully, it is a sign that there will be a strong finish to the year as the catches below represent my top two bass of the year.

Weight: 3-6 (19″)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: September 29
Weather: Partly cloudy/breezy, 80F
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Spro Flappin Frog 65 (albino)
Structure: Log/weed edge
Angler Comments: An offshore log in a mix of surface and subsurface vegetation was a winner on what would be my Top Bass of the year. A mark that it held for about two hours before landing the bass below.

Weight: 3-10 (19″)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: September 29
Weather: Partly cloudy/breezy, 80F
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Spro Flappin Frog 65 (albino)
Structure: Laydown/weed edge
Angler Comments: My new Top Bass of the year came off a classic spot. I ran the frog over a weed mat near a laydown and right as it hit the edge of open water, this bass exploded on the bait. Gotta dig it when a bass is right where it is supposed to be.
Top 5 Weight: 16-5 (3-10,3-6,3-3,3-2,3-0) culls 3-0 and 2-15

Two good fish and there’s more to the story involving a lure adjustment but I will save those details for the full fishing report. And after a four-day weekend courtesy of a couple vacation days, I am behind on the fishing reports again. Stay tuned for the scoop from Lake Storey (9/26 outing), the Knox County strip pits (9/27 outing), and the Hennepin Canal (9/29 outing). Talk to you later. Troy

Top5 Update

Our southeast field rep, John Kirkemo, comes through with another submission and additional insights on spotted bass.

Weight: 1-3
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: September 10
Weather: Evening light with air temperature in the high 70s
Water temperature: 83 degrees
Location: Lake Hartwell at Oconee Point Campground, Seneca, SC
Lure: Black and silver 3.5” floating Rapala
Angler Comments: I was casting the lure toward the top of a tree standing in about 20 feet of water. Only the top foot or two of the tree extended above the water’s surface. The treetop had a few very small leaves but was mostly just thin bare branches as shown in the attached picture. Before I could begin my retrieve, the bass slammed the lure so hard the reel handle hit my finger causing a bruise as shown in the picture. This was not a big fish but was very aggressive. I have been catching spotted bass since late March 2024. In my opinion, spotted bass tend to be more aggressive and fight harder than their close cousin largemouth bass. I discovered this tree top two days ago and have fished it every day since. It always holds a bass or two.
Top 5 Weight: 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)

Gives a whole new perspective on “bass thumb” with that catch. Good luck out there and keep sending them my way. Talk to you later. Troy