Category: Top 5

Top 5 Update

Another quality fish makes for a dozen straight weeks with a Monday Top 5 Update. Several of us took a shot over the past weekend but only Brent was able to come up with a catch that gave his weight a boost.

Weight: 2-9
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: June 11
Location: Snakeden Hollow
Lure: Senko wacky rig
Top 5 Weight: 16-12 (5-4,3-9,2-11,2-11,2-9) culls a 2-7

Official summer looms on the horizon, but this week it looks like some summer heat is going to arrive a bit ahead of schedule. Get out there early or late to improve your odds of finding some quality bites. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

We reach eleven consecutive weeks with a Top 5 Update as Brent comes through with a trio of solid Snakeden bass. His three largest provided a near three-pound boost to his 2022 Top 5 weight while his overall Top 5 bass for the day came in at a solid 11-10 (2-11,2-11,2-7,2-0,1-13). Not bad at all for a few Saturday morning hours on the fishing holes.

Weight: 2-11
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: June 4
Location: Snakeden Hollow
Lure: Senko wacky rig

Weight: 2-11
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: June 4
Location: Snakeden Hollow
Lure: Buzzbait

Weight: 2-7
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: June 4
Location: Snakeden Hollow
Lure: Senko wacky rig
Top 5 Weight: 16-10 (5-4,3-9,2-11,2-11,2-7) culls 1-12,1-11 and 1-11

Way to go, and thanks for the update. Brent also reported plenty of aquatic vegetation on the waters he fished. However, that set up well for the one-two punch of a Senko wacky rig and a buzzbait as they turned out to be winners. The classic late-spring, morning bite has kicked into full gear so get out there and send ‘em my way when you catch ‘em. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

The Top 5 Update streak stays alive with a catch that boosts my total by an entire ounce. Hey, I’ll take ones like this one all day, every day, whether they boost my creel or not.

Weight: 2-12
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: May 27
Weather: Sunny/windy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Special K Spinnerbait (bold bluegill) with Zoom Creepy Crawler trailer (root beer/pepper/green)
Structure: Brush
Angler Comments: Bass Fishing 101 for this catch on a stretch of The Canal with sparse structure. Find some wood and hit it from multiple angles, keeping your lure as tight to the structure as possible. Not every such spot holds an interested fish, but keep after it and you’ll be rewarded.
Top 5 Weight: 14-10 (3-5,3-2,2-12,2-12,2-11) culls a 2-11

I hit The Canal on many occasions during the month of May and wound up with some solid catches besides today’s submission. Stay tuned for the monthly “Prowl the Canal” wrap-up covering stats, lessons and perhaps some video. And May ain’t done yet. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

My brother, Brent, keeps the Top 5 streak alive as we reach nine consecutive weeks of submissions for 2022. This past weekend he took a shot at some water we’ve discussed but he has never fished. He managed a couple hours of casting from his kayak before the weather ran him off. Read on for the report and his latest Top 5 catch.

Weight: 1-11
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: May 21
Location: Buffalo Prairie Lake
Lure: Senko wacky rig
Angler Comments: I got out for about two and a half hours before I left to avoid getting wet. Two biggest were 1-3 on a buzzbait and 1-11 on a Senko. I caught probably fifteen more, but most were pretty small. Lots of weeds out from the bank.
Top 5 Weight: 13-15 (5-4,3-9,1-12,1-11,1-11) culls a 1-9

Good information and thanks for the submission. Earlier this year, I took a brief shot from the bank at this location and got some positive feedback. However, I have not had a boat on the spot since 2013 so it is good to get an on the water report. Time will tell if I follow his lead this year or see about a tag team effort for some further research. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

Another angler has a limit with this week’s submission from an old favorite fishing hole, Lake Storey.

Weight: 1-3 (13”)
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: May 10
Weather: 80s
Water Temp: 64-68F
Location: Lake Storey
Lure: Rapala Floating Minnow (black/silver)
Angler Comments: This fish was in two to three feet of water. Casting parallel to shore. Only bass in four hours of fishing.
Top 5 Weight: 8-4 (2-5,2-0,1-13,1-3,0-15)

Well done, John, and looking forward to the culls as the year rolls on. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

This week’s update sounds like one of those cheesy horror movies, “Attack of the Two-Pound Bass.” Solid catches all the way around though, as anything in the two-pound range is what I call a “good one” and they boost the weights of a couple of anglers.

Weight: 2-5
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: May 2
Weather: Overcast with recent rain
Water Temp: Mid 60s
Location: Sangchris Lake
Lure: 4” Floating Rapala (black/silver)

Weight: 1-13 (15”)
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: May 3
Weather: Heavy clouds with a stiff wind from the south
Water Temp: Mid 60s
Location: Sangchris Lake
Lure: 4” Floating Rapala (silver/black)

Weight: 2-0 (17”)
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: May 4
Weather: Overcast and windy
Water Temp: Mid 60s
Location: Sangchris Lake
Lure: 4” Floating Rapala (silver/black)
Angler Comments: All three fish caught while casting Rapala close to shore in about 2 – 3 feet of water.
Top 5 Weight: 7-1 (2-5,2-0,1-13,0-15)

Weight: 2-11 (17.5”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: May 8
Weather: Overcast/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Booyah Buzz Buzzbait (snow white shad)
Structure: Tree
Angler Comments: Always fun when the topwater bite starts to kick in and it only took a couple casts before I got this result on a buzzbait. On the downside, I only got one other bass on the lure. On the upside, this is only the beginning of the topwater bite on The Canal.
Top 5 Weight: 14-9 (3-5,3-2,2-12,2-11,2-11) culls 2-5

A good showing during limited time on the water due to weather and priorities. Well done by John in getting it done on large and relatively unfamiliar water. And fun for me as my continued exploration of The Canal is making the miles more familiar. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Stats

Hey, here we go with an overdue “monthly” Top 5 Stat Update that takes us through April and includes 47 bass and one trout.

2022 Totals
January = no submissions
February = no submissions
March = 15 bass
April = 32 bass

Top 5 Weight by Month
January = no submissions
February = no submissions
March = 14-2 (3-3,2-15,2-14,2-12,2-6)
April = 28-10 (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-4,5-1)

Boat vs. Bank
Boat = 11 bass
Bank = 36 bass

Boat vs. Bank Weight
Boat = 13-1 (3-5,3-2,2-12,2-3,1-11)
Bank = 28-10 (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-4,5-1)

Public vs. Private
Public = 47 bass
Private = 0 bass

Public vs. Private Top 5 Weight
Public = 28-10 (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-4,5-1)
Private = not applicable

The Baits (* = new record)
Lipless Crankbait = 15 bass (Top Bass 4-6 Jim Junk)
*Chatterbait = 13 bass (Top Bass 6-9 Jim Junk) tops 5-15 Jim Junk 6/22/20
Spinnerbait = 7 bass (Top Bass 5-4 Brent Jackson)
Jig = 4 bass (Top Bass 3-9 Brent Jackson)
Crankbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 1-11 Troy Jackson)
Propbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 2-3 Jayce Jackson)
Swimbait = 1 bass (Top Bass 4-3 Jim Junk)
Grub = 1 bass (Top Bass 0-13 Troy Jackson)
Plastic Worm = 1 bass (Top Bass 5-12 Jim Junk)
Underspin = 1 bass (3-12 Jim Junk)

Monthly Top Bass
No submissions
No submissions
3-3 Jim Junk
6-9 Jim Junk

2022 Top 10 Bass
6-9 Jim Junk 4/4/22
6-0 Jim Junk 4/15/22
5-12 Jim Junk 4/21/22
5-4 Brent Jackson 4/24/22
5-1 Jim Junk 4/4/22
4-7 Jim Junk 4/4/22
4-6 Jim Junk 4/19/22
4-3 Jim Junk 4/21/22
3-15 Jim Junk 4/19/22
3-12 Jim Junk 4/13/22

Angler Weights
Jim Junk 27-13 (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-1,4-7)
Brent Jackson 13-13 (5-4,3-9,1-12,1-11,1-9)
Troy Jackson 12-13 (3-5,3-2,2-11,2-0,1-11)
Jayce Jackson 3-7 (2-3,1-4)
John Kirkemo 0-15 (0-15)

Other Species – Trout

John Kirkemo 12” (12”)

Jim Junk continues to impress with his catches and thumbs up to our anglers for a good start. And the hits keep coming as we have several bass catches lined up for the first Top 5 Update of May. Here’s hoping that some better weather provides an opportunity for folks to get out on the water. Send them my way when you catch them at Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

A new, old angler, who is actually young, joins the chase for 2022. He’s new for 2022 but has participated as far back as 2018 when he was a nine-year old kid. Give him about four weeks and he will be a teenager, so still a youngster.

Weight: 2-3
Angler: Jayce Jackson
Date: April 29
Weather: Overcast/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper 90 (I Know It)

Weight: 1-4
Angler: Jayce Jackson
Date: April 29
Weather: Overcast/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper 90 (I Know It)
Top 5 Weight: 3-7 (2-3,1-4)

Way to go, Jayce, and watch out, those Whopper Ploppers will get an angler hooked as well as some bass. I had the good fortune of having a front row seat for these catches as I was his “rower” in our little johnboat. Although, as he is soon to be a teenager, perhaps it’s high time that he rows old Dad around the fishing hole one of these days. More on the outing coming up in an April “Prowl the Canal” wrap-up. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

Several of our crew were out last week and reported in with some impressive catches including a pair of five-pound bass and our first new species entry of 2022. And the latter is where we start with our weekly rundown.

Length: 12”
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: April 21
Weather: Partly cloudy with stiff wind from north
Air Temperature: 60s
Water Temperature: Unknown
Location: Backbone Lake, Backbone State Park, IA
Lure: Roy Self Spoon
Angler Comments: This is a typical stocked rainbow trout from the Maquoketa River that forms Backbone Lake. Most of the 80-acre lake is shallow but at the extreme north end where the river enters there is a 9-to-12-foot hole that holds trout.
Top 5 Length: 12”

Weight: 3-15
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 19
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Lipless crankbait

Weight: 4-6
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 19
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Lipless crankbait
Angler Comments: Battled the elements yesterday and was rewarded with seven bass. Morning was downright cold, and afternoon was cold with gale force winds.

Weight: 3-12
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 21
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Lipless crankbait

Weight: 4-3
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 21
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Dark Sleeper

Weight: 5-12
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 21
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Senko wacky rig
Angler Comments: Seems sort of silly to say, but it was a slow day. I did just have four bites in a little over six hours of fishing. First one was 4-3, second one was 5-12, and third fish was 3-12. I am just flabbergasted at the fishing at Banner this year. I have seen more fish from four pounds to over six pounds than I have in my whole life.
Top 5 Weight: 27-13 (6-9,6-0,5-12,5-1,4-7) culls 4-6

Weight: 3-2 (18”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: April 23
Weather: Sunny/windy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Special K Spinnerbait (bold bluegill) with Zoom Creepy Crawler twin tail trailer (root beer pepper green)
Structure: Drop/riprap

Weight: 3-5 (18”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: April 23
Weather: Sunny/windy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Special K Spinnerbait (bold bluegill) with Zoom Creepy Crawler twin tail trailer (root beer pepper green)
Structure: Sticks
Angler Comments: Hopefully two three pounders on a brief morning trip to The Canal knocks me out of my recent bass fishing slump. Time will tell, but they certainly gave my Top 5 a considerable and much needed boost.
Top 5 Weight: 12-13 (3-5,3-2,2-11,2-0,1-11) culls 1-0 and 0-13

Weight: 1-9
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: April 24
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Spinnerbait (green)

Weight: 1-12
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: April 24
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Spinnerbait (green)

Weight: 5-4
Angler: Brent Jackson
Date: April 24
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Spinnerbait (green)
Angler Comments: All “keepers” were on the green spinnerbait. I caught at least one at every place I stopped. Nothing else close to twelve inches. I got several on a Senko and maybe fifteen to twenty overall.
Top 5 Weight: 13-13 (5-4,3-9,1-12,1-11,1-9) culls 1-3,1-2 and 0-12

Now that is quite a week of fishing. Four anglers, four different areas, two states, two species and a mix of boat fishing and bank fishing. Priorities may keep me off the water for the rest of the month but hopefully some others are able to get out there. Send them my way when you catch them. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

This week we have one guy who is in a bit of a fishing slump eke out a couple lightweights to complete his Top 5. We also have another angler who is in what is known as “the zone” continuing to light up the bass to the tune of a limit already exceeding twenty-five pounds. Funny thing is, the guy in the zone has been referred to as “Slump” for as long as I can recall.

Weight: 0-13
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: April 10
Weather: Partly cloudy/very windy
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Lunker Hunt Finesse Worm (Bama craw)
Structure: Drop

Weight: 1-0
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: April 10
Weather: Partly cloudy/very windy
Location: Knox County public strip pit
Lure: Chatterbait (white)
Structure: Drop
Angler Comments: Big bites have sure been hard to come by to begin 2022. At least I have my limit filled and plenty of room for improvement as it is always a treat to knock the lightweights out of your creel.
Top 5 Weight: 8-3 (2-11,2-0,1-11,1-0,0-13) culls an 0-11

Weight: 3-10
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 11
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Lipless Crankbait
Angler Comments: Monday produced two bass with a 3-10 that came on a lipless crankbait.

Weight: 3-8
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 13
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Underspin

Weight: 3-12
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 13
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Underspin
Angler Comments: Wednesday netted two bass, 3-8 and 3-12, both of these fish came on an underspin.

Weight: 3-9
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 15
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Chatterbait (white)

Weight: 6-0
Angler: Jim Junk
Date: April 15
Location: Banner Marsh
Lure: Chatterbait (white)
Angler Comments: Fished for a few hours and wound up with five bass. All came on a white chatterbait. Two were notable at 3-9 and 6-0.
Top 5 Weight: 25-13 (6-9,6-0,5-1,4-7,3-12) culls a 3-11 and 3-10

Now that’s fun, and I hope “Slump” can stay in the zone. As far as my slump, I’ve got a few ideas. Stay tuned for another record book round-up and the regular Friday Flashback this week. Talk to you later. Troy