“I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks,
but I got to stop wishing, got to go fishing…”
A Pirate Looks at Forty – Jimmy Buffett (1975)
So many stories and still rowing strong
I’d say that this post details how a boat looks at forty but no one really knows the age of this old faithful watercraft. Its true origins are unknown, says so right on the registration, which is pretty cool. Adds a little character.
The origins of it becoming “our little boat”, however, are known. Dad and a friend found it completely submerged while clearing a log jam on a creek in Henderson County, IL over forty years ago. Adds a little more character.
And, as the saying goes, the rest is fishing history.
As the above lyrics reference there are a few minor leaks but I suppose that’s to be expected. After all, that thing has been hauled thousands of miles in the beds of trucks, drug over all types of terrain, launched on ramps of gravel, grass and concrete, rowed over ice, pushed over logs, pulled through shallows, rained in, snowed on…you get the picture.
It’s outlasted a few sets of oars, a couple boat seats, numerous poles, lures, tackleboxes, lifejackets and anchors.
I have no idea how many fellow anglers we’ve rowed around on how many waters and I hesitate to think how many hours there are on “the motor.”
And how many fish?
Still going strong and ready to get back after it, hopefully soon. Talk to you later. Troy
I think the name of our old boat should be the ‘ MEMORY MAKER ‘.