2020 Visions – Video


“You think you’re in the movies and everything’s so deep.” – You Might Think – The Cars (1984)

I’ve got to say that it is pretty cool to have a GoPro or iPhone in tow while running around outdoors. And while I frequently put them to use when I head outside, particularly while fishing, I could certainly kick it up a notch.

So there you go, more “Video.”

Sounds simple, right?

Well, like anything, there are pros and cons when emulating the outdoor video legends of my childhood like Virgil Ward, Marty Stouffer or Curt Gowdy. For better or worse, I pessimistically find myself dwelling a bit too much on the “con” side of being a videographer and host. Things like time, technical skill, lack of verbosity and yes, confidence often get me hung up.

I mean, do you know how weird it is to stand alone in a boat or alongside a fishing hole and talk out loud to an imaginary audience? It’s tough to overcome all those years of enjoying the solitude where nature does the talking. Perhaps a voiceover would work but Thurl Ravenscroft or John Facenda, I am not. And I’m too cheap (and broke) to pay anybody.

Therefore, I think I will simply address this video vision in the same manner that I have come to approach the writing portion of blogging. Just be myself, document as much as I can and throw out the self-conscious trepidation of whether or not the posts pass muster.

After all, jotting down notes on a clipboard or pecking away at a keyboard is kind of like talking to myself anyway and I’ve grown quite comfortable with those tasks. Here’s hoping that you will continue listening.

(Note: if all else fails, shooting more video likely translates to more bloopers which were always a hit for another outdoor childhood hero, Bill Dance).


Talk to you later. Troy

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