Top 5 Update

This week’s update features a new angler for 2024 although she has been involved in the past. My wife, Julie, and I tackled The Canal on a Friday date night a few days after I had taken a shot in an adjacent area. These two spots were not high on the list in terms of quality fish, but our latest trips proved to be a bit of an eye-opener. Read on for the details on our half dozen catches.

Weight: 2-10 (18”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-10 (16”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-10 (14.5”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-8 (15”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-6 (14.5)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)
Top 5 Weight: 8-12 (2-10,1-10,1-10,1-8,1-6)

Weight: 2-9 (17”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: June 11
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Booyah Buzz Buzzbait (snow white shad)
Angler Comments:
Top 5 Weight: 13-4 (3-0,2-12,2-9,2-9,2-6) culls a 2-1

Well done by Julie as anytime you wind up within one more quality bite of a ten-pound limit on an outing is a winner. And we only fished for two hours. Fun to have another participant on board and hope she can cull a few of those on her way to double digits. Stay tuned for the full report from our outing later this week. Talk to you later. Troy

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