Another round of jams from a recent round trip to the Knox County strip mines. First half today, Top 5 tomorrow.
10. Rock and Roll Band – Boston (1976) – As I noted in a previous post, Boston is pretty much a given on the list so this story song about the band’s history makes the cut even though it is a bit of musical fiction.
9. Hey Jude – The Beatles (1968) – Just not enough Beatles songs on the airwaves anymore so still kind of a gem when a classic pops up.
8. Life’s Been Good – Joe Walsh (1978) – Do you have a song that left such a mark that you know exactly where you were the first time you heard it? Eleven year-old kid, hanging with Dad and visiting some friends at a Boy Scout campout when I heard this coming from one of the older kid’s radios and thought “What is that?” Sometimes I still do.
7. Cherry Bomb (1987) – John Cougar Mellencamp – “Seventeen has turned thirty –five” and then some these days. Long had a soft spot in my musical heart for a reminiscing sort of song and they seem to mean even more the older I get.
6. In The City (1979) – Joe Walsh/Eagles – Takes me back to the soundtrack of the classic gang flick, The Warriors, viewed many times on those free HBO weekends.
Thanks for playing along as I wade off into the occasional tangent, let’s do it again tomorrow. Talk to you later. Troy