Top 10 Trip Tunes 5/28 – Part II

Some heavy hitters round out this version of the countdown, forgive me if I get carried away.

5. Just What I Needed – The Cars (1978) – Okay, its summer break after 5th grade and things are starting to change on the radio. Of course, I don’t realize it as an eleven year-old kid but it won’t be long until we leave Andy Gibb and the Bee Gees behind and get some new wave in the mainstream. I may overdo it a bit, but got to mention MTV coming down the road with exposure to some interesting variety in the musical landscape. As far as The Cars, their recent induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (for whatever that’s worth) has prompted me to revisit their catalog leading to a few late nights with YouTube. Great stuff.

4. Call Me – Blondie (1980) – So, if you were a 13 year-old boy and got the occasional glimpse of Deborah Harry in the days of limited television music offerings, well, let’s just say it left an impression. Remember those were the days when you had to rely on The Midnight Special, Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert, Saturday Night Live or The Old Grey Whistle Test when you caught it on PBS. No internet, YouTube or MTV back in 1980. But an internet search nearly forty years later confirms that my 13-year old eyes and hormones did not deceive. And yes, I know Blondie was a band, but…

3. Gimme Three Steps – Lynyrd Skynyrd (1973) – “I was cutting the rug, down at a place called The Jug with a girl named Linda Lu.” I dig opening lines and these are a winner, grabs you right from the start and keeps you hooked for the rest of the story. Not to mention the killer intro that leads up to those vocals. What else can you say other than “Turn it up!”

2. Locomotive Breath – Jethro Tull (1971) – Now if we’re talking top intros, this one’s got to have a spot on the list. And once this sucker kicks in it is sonic onomatopoeia, if there is such a thing. And how about a song that lets me use the term “flautist” in my tribute? Ian Anderson rocks it with a trademark bit of flute solo, pure genius, pure rock and pure flautist.  Also certainly worth a look at the bands live footage over the years as Anderson is a hoot, one of the ultimate front men of rock.

1. Doctor My Eyes – Jackson Browne (1972) – One of these days I’m going to compile a list of my favorite intros. And while this one is not as lengthy as the two previous cuts, it has the same effect as it gets your attention, gets you moving and puts you on the edge of your musical chair ready for what’s next. In terms of lyrics, it still amazes that Browne penned this and a several other favorites in his 20s as they seem right on target to a 50 year-old guy who sometimes wonders where did all the time go and what the heck happened.

Always fun to sneak my tunes in when I can. Now just need a way to get some baseball, or sports in general, into this thing. Believe it or not, I’ve got a few ideas. But first, another Monday Top 5 update and looking to create a firsthand fishing report soon. Talk to you later. Troy

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