Category: Fishing Holes

2019 Fishing Recap – Locations

262 bass in 2019 represented an increase from 216 in 2018. Nearly all came from the regular regional haunts with the exception of a pair that took a nine hour drive to hook. Today’s post takes a general look at where those fish call home. Lots of potholes that lie off the beaten path are involved so I don’t mind revealing that many bass were caught in places like 2×4 Lake, Bearclaw Lake, Hopper Lake, Dark Lake or Turkey Lake. A couple of those are public knowledge, another pair I named myself and one is on private ground. More power to you if you can recognize them, find them or even get to them. Indeed, a little mystery is all part of the fun of fishing.

Grand Totals
Bass = 262
Bodies of water = 30
Comments: Once again a big batch of little waters produced the vast majority of my bass. Those small waters consisted of the standard collection of public and private Knox County strip mine waters, many that I have been fishing since the 1980s. The largest lake I fished was Lost Grove Lake in Scott County, Iowa which comes in at about 400 acres and I also put in quite a few hours on good old Lake Storey just north of Galesburg, Illinois which comes in at 133 acres.

Bank Bass (Northerner boots, biking and hiking) = 92 bass
Little Boat Bass (near 40 year old 8’ johnboat) = 113 bass
Big Boat Bass (1987 Bass Tracker Pro 17) = 57 bass
Comments: I have put far more miles on pairs of boots and sets of oars than I have ever racked up on trolling motors or outboards. 2019 was no exception although I took advantage of the “big boat” for several outings. Hauling the little boat off the beaten path boosted the boat totals but both approaches were quite successful. 

The Waters (from least to most caught)

Lake George – a scenic shutout

Lake George – Rock Island County (1 visit on 8/4)
0 bass
1.50 hours
Comments: I’d fished Lake George back in 1997 and 2000, making the roughly one hour drive from my then residence in Galesburg, IL. Nowadays, in the Quad Cities I can cover the route in about half the time so I decided to check it out again. The brief visit resulted in a dog day shutout but looked appealing. If I elect to try it again, I will likely borrow Dad’s boat for better maneuverability and a depthfinder.

Lost Grove lone catch

Lost Grove Lake – Scott County, IA (1 visit on 6/2)
1 bass
2.25 hours
0.44 bass/hour

Top 5 Weight: no qualifying bass at 12” or better
Comments: A regular stomping ground over the river fell by the wayside this year. Too much rain in the spring really muddied things up in the area that I target, making it not worth my while. I did venture to a clearer area but like Lake George, a bigger boat with a depthfinder would be the ticket.

Sunflower State Bass

Sedgwick County Park – Wichita, KS (2 visits, 2 lakes, 11/19 & 11/21)
2 bass
2.50 hours
0.80 bass/hour
Top Bass: 1-9 (15”) Spinnerbait
Top 5 Weight (only 2 at 12” or >): 2-11 (1-9,1-2)
Comments: A couple work trip bonus bass allowed me to achieve the annual goal of a November catch after I’d abandoned the local pursuit due to weather and schedule conflicts. Felt pretty proud of myself in landing a pair of decent bass with only internet research used to select a destination.

First cast pond bass

Henry County Private Pond (1 visit on 4/19)
5 bass
1.25 hours
4.00 bass/hour
Top Bass: 0-14 (12.5”) Chatterbait
Top 5 Weight (only 2 at 12” or >): 1-10 (0-14,0-12)
Comments: Desperate to get in some casts with a limited April evening window I turned to a nearby pothole and got my fix. Nothing big here but hits the spot for an annual spring visit when pressed for time.

Lake Storey catch

Lake Storey – Knox County, IL (5 visits – 7/26 through 10/19)
32 bass
24.00 hours
1.33 bass/hour
Top Bass: 2-2 (16.5”) Zoom Baby Brush Hog
Top 5 Weight: 9-0 (2-2,1-3,1-12,1-11,1-10)
Comments: Still enjoy getting on my “home’ water especially since I’m no longer a local. I can’t just hop out there for a visit, takes a little more time and work. Five visits with three different partners and got outfished by my brother and one of my boys along the way. Overall, a good bass/hour rate for me on a tough lake and while no trophies, those bass continue to be fit and feisty.

Little John Conservation Club catch

Knox County, IL Private Strip Mines (9 visits, 5 lakes, 1/5 through 10/14)
85 bass
33.75 hours
2.52 bass/hour
Top Bass: 3-14 (20”) Senko wacky rig
Top 5 Weight: 13-9 (3-14,2-11,2-9,2-4,2-3)
Comments: Several old fishing holes continue to produce bites and one of them gave up my Top Bass for the year. However, other quality bites just never materialized. Still exciting to fish these spots over 30 years after making my first casts as the big fish potential remains. Just couldn’t get any of them to make a mistake in 2019.

Knox County, IL public strip pit bass

Knox County, IL Public Strip Mines (7 visits, 19 lakes, 4/1 through 10/14)
137 bass
27.75 hours
4.94 bass/hour
Top Bass: 2-10 (16.5”) Jig
Top 5 Weight: 11-10 (2-10,2-8,2-4,2-3,2-0)
Comments: While I admit that my walk-in strip mine areas do wear me out a bit more these days, I’m not ready to give up quite yet. Sounds like a broken record as I couldn’t fool anything real big did witness my brother nabbing a good one. I know that they are there and I am looking forward to tromping around again in 2020 to try and find them.

Knowing where to find some bass is only part of the equation. It is also necessary to find out what can fool ‘em. That aspect comes up in the next post. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Mailbag

Well, the highly successful “West Lake” series has not only drawn rave reviews amongst the outdoor blogging community it has also drummed up some reader correspondence. Okay, more than a little creative license in that intro sentence as I look to wrap up the 2019 observations with a last look at Lake of the Hills.

C.J. from Around the Way in the QCA says:

Well, C.J., as the slides show below it did appear that there were some vehicle parts in the lakebed beyond the intentionally placed collections of tires. As far as a mattress, what I observed looked to possibly be the remnants of the seat of a car, but only a guess. And the final couple pics in the clip do show a couple vehicle finds, just on a smaller scale.


QC Crypto writes:

Nothing jumped out at me beyond an odd footprint on the lake bottom, a few weird markings around the spillway and a beverage that we used to call “The Beast.” Interesting question, however, as I am not aware of such local lore, may have to do some research as you’ve got my interest.


Scorned Reader asks:

Indeed, I did find a camp chair out there, Scorned. Also what looked to be a boat seat along a bend in the creek channel. And perhaps a few of the last item below possibly led to the unfortunate incident? Just speculation…


Big J asks:

Well, Big J, I know your Papa and his picnic table tales are absolutely true. In fact, I witnessed the catches firsthand. And since his tales have been confirmed here on, there is a 99.99% likelihood that they are possibly true.


Julia on the block writes:

Well, here we go…


And we’ll wrap up the series with a bit from arguably the oddest thing spotted out there on the lake bottom last year.


I intend to be back this year, too. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Structure Revealed

Last December I submitted a post entitled “West Lake Complex – Secrets” that took a look at some of the structure that I had observed through late November. Those observations had primarily taken place from a distance as I had not come prepared to hike the muddy lake bottom. However, during a pair of December visits on the heels of the “Secrets”, I came ready to get down and dirty in an effort to get some up close insights on the scenery. I was sure glad that I did wander nearly the entire lake bottom as today’s post and the upcoming series finale will detail.

Structure is a key component in the fish finding equation as it can hold fish and provide a highway for fish movement. Some folks delineate “cover” from “structure” but I’m keeping it less complicated. Essentially, a combination of some of the components to follow is typically better than a lone item. For example, a roadbed or a point has potential but combine those bottom contours with a brushpile or a group of tires and it heightens the appeal.

Bass Fishing 101 continues via video with a closer look at some of the stuff revealed in the draining of Lake of the Hills. Below is a series of clips exploring several general types of structure (Note: not all examples are included in videos and some items could fit a couple categories).

Contours (points, channels, roads, humps…)


Wood (stumps, laydowns, standing timber, brushpiles, beaver lodges…)


Rock (riprap, gravel, rockpiles…)


Manmade (tires, docks, pallets, artificial fish attractors…)


Of course, weeds also play a key role as structure (or cover) in a lake but as a seasonal aspect those are out of the picture at present. In addition, it may be a while until the lake is allowed to fill again and promote the return of aquatic vegetation. I suspect that pending structure additions and restorations will result in the valve being left open for the foreseeable future. Time will tell and your dedicated West Lake Restoration reporter will be on the case as 2020 moves forward.

One final post to get caught up on the 2019 visits comes your way next. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Fauna

The West Lake posts continue as I run the risk of the old “beating a dead horse” saying. But, hey, you’ve got to admit there’s been some pretty cool stuff and some unique scenery filling the blog lately. Right?

While I did not actually find any trace of a horse, dead or alive, I did discover the remnants of a fair sampling of local wildlife. Some leaving tracks on the newly exposed terrain and others dead in their tracks as their aquatic habitat disappeared.

Short and sweet on the intro today as we go direct to video.


Okay, a couple more posts until we give the West Lake Project a break. But have no fear, plenty of other stuff waiting in the wings. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Tackle Trove

Whenever I pay a visit to a fishing hole, you get a fishing report, complete with most all of the details. Right down to the lures that fooled the fish.

Well, my visits to West Lake Park were more than a little different. After all, I was taking a trip to a handful of lakes that no longer had any fish in them at all. In fact, several of them didn’t even have any water.

You know, now that I think about it, is that still a lake?

But, I digress.

Even though there was no fish catching to report, there was plenty to pass along in regards to lures. Just take a look at the clips below detailing a batch of lost tackle treasures.



Certainly nothing salvageable in the collection as I was a little late to the scavenger hunt, but fun nevertheless. Quite entertaining in wandering around the lakebed mentally writing blog posts only to have a flash of metal or a colorful clue catch my eye. The finds also brought a grin from this fisherman who has “donated” a few lures to a number of local fishing holes. Perhaps some dedicated Lake of the Hills anglers also got a kick out of finally discovering just what mysterious object had been the end of the line for what was on the end of their line.

Oh yes, we’re not done with the West Lake stuff quite yet so come on back again. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Creekbed

“I know, nobody knows, where it comes and where it goes.” – Dream On, Aerosmith (1973)

Contour maps provide good, limited info but you just can’t beat walking along the actual creekbed

Many lakes like West Lake Park’s Lake of the Hills were created by constructing a dam to impede the flow of an existing stream. The water then pools to fill the surrounding terrain until it reaches the level of an overflow such as a spillway. As the lake fills, the original creekbed is left hidden deep below the surface, gradually collecting sediment over the years. What was once a pronounced channel is often altered as time and nature do what they do.

So how does Blackhawk Creek weave its way through the lakes from west to east? Read on…

Since about 1970, this aging process has been hidden from view on Lake of the Hills. As you can see by the arrows on the map above, Blackhawk Creek runs through the site. It flows from the west entering Blue Grass Lake and eventually exits via the Lake of the Hills spillway, flowing underneath Interstate 280. Until last fall, where it meandered in between those spots was a mystery to those who did not possess either an old plat map or a new-fangled depthfinder.

Clip number one below covers Railroad Lake and the western half of Lake of the Hills


Clip number two covers the eastern half of Lake of the Hills


I found it quite interesting to see Blackhawk Creek and associated tributaries once again flow freely to the outlet valve that formerly lay beneath roughly 16 feet of water. Only a short reprieve, however, as Mother Nature will again be allowed to fill the lake basin once restoration work has been completed.

I’ve said it several times in my video clips but indeed a once in a lifetime experience for this interested angler. A cool glimpse back in time and still more to come from my wanderings. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Attire and A Tire, or Two…

The bottom of West Lake Park’s Lake of the Hills produced an interesting collection of stuff during my 2019 lakebed wanderings. Some of the discoveries were placed there intentionally while others, I assume, were more of the accidental sort.

Today’s pics and video take a look at both varieties beginning with some clothing and accessories. Pretty much everything you need beyond a nice pair of slacks. Oh yeah, no shoes in the clip below but trust me, I’ve got those covered in just a bit…


Next up is some of the West Lake Park tire collection. Sinking such items has long been practiced to add fish holding structure to a body of water. While opinions and regulations vary, Lake of the Hills and neighboring Railroad Lake certainly contain quite a batch of these durable discards.


The final items for today also feature tread. But unlike the tires, I suspect that most were not intended to finish their days at the bottom of a lake. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the “West Lake Top 10 Shoes.”


Certainly some diverse footwear to be found. And while I may be a bit biased, I find that the proper way to end such a list is with the boots of a dedicated observer/explorer/blogger.

Hope you enjoyed today’s featured finds. While some are a bit unusual, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Plenty more secrets to come, both standard and strange. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Bare Bottom

Close up view of the majority of Lake of the Hills lake bottom, cracked and bare beyond the proximity of the shoreline

When it comes to fishing I am an admitted bank beater.

I suppose a lot of us are.

At times, however, I wonder just how many bass are behind me as I cast bankwards from a boat. Fortunately, I find plenty of takers among the visible cover within yards of the shoreline or slightly farther from the bank on spots like extended points or expansive flats. Therefore, I don’t really dwell on what I’m missing offshore on the modest size lakes that I fish. Besides, I frequently run without any form of depthfinder so I have become accustomed to what I don’t know don’t bother me.

Today’s pics and video feature the vast amount of the lakebed that is quite bare beyond a rather silted in creek channel.


Now, every lake is different but from what I have discovered on West Lake Park’s Lake of the Hills I wouldn’t be missing much beyond the shoreline. Nearly all of the structure lies within a couple casts of the shore and probably not more than 8-10’ deep. Right up my alley as a shallow sort of guy. It will certainly be interesting to see how this aspect of lake structure changes during the restoration project.


Still plenty more to come featuring structural hotspots, historical remnants and a collection of what Lake of the Hills has collected over the years. Talk to you later. Troy

West Lake – Far and Near

During the implementation of the 2019 drawdowns, I made visits to West Lake Park on August 4 and September 29. Once the process had completed, I made a visit on November 29 to have another look at the largest lake on the site, Lake of the Hills. Each of the visits found me confined to the bank in my running shoes, not the proper gear needed for more in depth wandering.

The completely exposed lakebed, however, sure begged for a closer look. Come December, my curiosity got the best of me so I packed up my boots and headed back. A December 7 hike covered a great deal of the lake and a return trip on December 29 allowed me to explore the rest.

Today’s post features a collection of pictures and video showcasing several sections of the scenery from both afar and down and dirty.

First up, is a look at the northeast arm of Lake of the Hills.


Moving southward we encounter one of several roadbeds that cross stretches of the lake bottom.


Plenty more to come as we take a look at more areas of the lakebed as well as some of what that lakebed has accumulated through the years. Folks, I’ve only scratched the surface…or would that be scratched the bottom? Anyway, stay tuned and talk to you later. Troy

West Lake Restoration Status


I intended to get this project posted last month but time got away from me. Instead, you get a post-Groundhog Day rundown of the West Lake Restoration Project.

If you haven’t been introduced, this is a Scott County, Iowa public recreation area that is undergoing a complete rehabilitation of the onsite fisheries. I have taken a look at the progress from the outset during the summer of 2019 until just shy of the arrival of 2020. One aspect of the project involves draining the lakes at the site to improve fish habitat in advance of restocking the fish population. The target for the area to once again allow fishing is the summer of 2021 as the lakes refill.

In the in interim, I aim to keep tabs on the project and post periodic updates here on the blog. To get up to speed, a series of upcoming posts will cover my recent visits during December 2019.

Below is a look at the components of the lake draining process.


Here’s a preview of some of what is headed your way this month with a focus on the largest of the lakes onsite, Lake of the Hills. More posts to hit the blog as time permits.


Hope you’ll tune in for an interesting, entertaining and sometimes strange look at what once lay hidden beneath the surface. Talk to you later. Troy