2018 Fishing Video Recap

It looks like Winter is going to stick around for a while now that it has arrived, so what to do in terms of blogging?

Why, a 2018 Fishing Video recap sounds like a good idea so let’s start there.

Since I typically like to kick off a series of postings with a bit of an introduction, here we go.

Back in July of 2017 for birthday number 50, my family gave me a GoPro camera. I am a lucky fellow to have such a thoughtful wife (and kids) as it was a cool gift and something that I likely wouldn’t have purchased on my own as spending money is not my strong suit.

2017 Blooper Reel below to help set the tone for the videos coming your way the rest of the month.


As you can see from the revisit of the 2017 Blooper Reel, video has indeed been a fun addition to the fishing thing that I’ve been doing since I was a kid and this blogging thing that I’ve been doing since being a bigger kid. Throw in a smart “phone” for some added video and over the course of a year I wind up with a decent amount of footage.

Some of it even ends up fairly interesting and entertaining, if I say so myself. Now I certainly will not be mistaken for the latest internet video sensation but I’m sure having a good time preserving the adventures on “film” (yep, can’t get away from the old lingo).

The occasional new, yet rudimentary, editing tricks that I dabble in are far from the polished YouTubers and outdoor pros but for me that’s still much of the fun. And no scripts here, just some straight up reactions and rambles captured on a fishing trip.

So, as we close out the month let’s take a look at year two of the video age with a Top 10 of sorts along with a bonus bunch of bloopers to round out the 2018 video highlights. No particular countdown order beyond an intro montage to start and a recap montage to finish.

Hope you’ll tune in and talk to you later. Troy

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