Category: Flashbacks

Friday Flashback – March 20, 2004

We head back 15 years today with a look at an afternoon of strip mine fishing with a couple of the Brothers Jackson. And for added effect, you get the original post from a larger fishing report originally submitted to family and friends on March 27, 2004.

March 20 – Brent and I head out for Snakeden Hollow for some biking and bassing. Air temperatures were around 60 F with sunny skies and strong winds out of the Northwest. Our first target, Long Lake, was rather disappointing as we failed to catch any bass in about forty-five minutes of fishing. Jigs, crankbaits and jerkbaits all failed to produce. This lake is typical strip mine habitat with steep banks and crystal clear water. Looking for a change of pace we headed up the bank to a shallower lake that had more stained water and more diverse structure.


This is kind of fun as I took this shot of Brent’s new lake record from “across the lake”, not far in a straight line but a long walk in strip mine distance.

We spent about an hour and a half on Crosscut Lake and combined for ten bass. Brent posted an addition to the record book with a 2-10 that hit a Mann’s 4- crankbait (chartreuse). The bass also broke the lake record of 2-0 set by Tim Townsend on 3/23/00. All of our fish came on Mann’s 4- crankbaits worked with a steady retrieve along dropoffs in 2-5′ of water. Jigs produced a couple strikes without hookups and lipless crankbaits got no attention. After working over this relatively small body of water, we decided to head for Little John. However, we had to bike back to the truck first, directly into some fierce winds. At one point, the wind actually exceeded gravity. We had to pedal to go downhill as the wind was so strong that we couldn’t coast. Not exactly a treat paired with my current level of physical fitness.

Still have the lure that did the trick per the above database entries but can’t tell you the last time it hit the water.

Definitely gets me fired up for another year on the strip mines. It’s always a treat to hop between the potholes and fingers that dot the landscape and gets me to wondering about a new look at some of those old places. Lots of ideas, just need some time and open water. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009 – first bass of the year, Snakeden Hollow State Fish & Wildlife Area near Victoria, IL

Hey, how about that? Open water in these photos, looks good.

Not so much in 2019 and I suspect that we’ve still got a final weekend of icefishing on the local haunts. It will be interesting to see how things play out in terms of getting on the board with the annual goal of a March bass. A goal that has been achieved every year since 2002 (with a few bonus February catches thrown in the mix).

This first pair of bass from ten years ago came from two walk-in lakes at Snakeden Hollow in Knox County, IL. From 2009 through 2014 this was the standard plan for nabbing the first bass of the year and the collection of strip pits never let me down.

Original log entry from the outing, only a two bass day but I’d certainly take that right now

Here’s the original, brief report that was submitted as part of the rundown on the start to 2009.

2009 is off to a slow start for me, much the same as 2008. Weather, work and family responsibilities have all conspired to keep me off the water. I managed a pair of bass on 3/19 from a couple Snakeden Hollow lakes with the larger of the two (actually more like the least small) weighing 1-4. Both came on Bomber Flat A crankbaits (baby bass).

Top Bass for the day 13.5″ and 1-4 on a Bomber Flat A crankbait, a classic cold water bait

Yep, 2009 had a rough start on the water and it lasted through much of the summer as Julie and I welcomed a third kid in late May. However, once I consistently got a chance to cast beginning in mid-August and running through October it turned out to be a pretty darn good year. And a lot of that success was due to the opening of a place called “Emiquon.”

But those are stories for Friday Flashback posts later this year. Don’t worry though as there’s plenty to fill the all the Fridays until then. And don’t forget, there are two final Blog Banner posts coming your way to complete that 30 post series. Sooner or later got to be some fishing too. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – March 9, 2004

Original log entry from this outing

We revisit Emstrom’s Pond for the second Friday in a row and we’ll see it again before this whole Flashback project is over. Sooner than you think, really. But it was the kind of place that was worth visiting over and over again during the sixteen years that we had access to the fishing hole.

For today’s post we look at an early season lone bass outing on a perfect spot to take a shot at a challenging cold water bite. The pond was barely outside of the Galesburg, IL city limits which was just right for a quick evening hit for an hour or two to try our luck. Here’s the scoop from the original report posted in March of 2004.

Although the weather wasn’t exactly balmy, the results sure made it much easier to bear as we now have a new “Top Bass” for 2004. As I sat around home on Tuesday (3/9), I debated on whether or not to give Emstrom’s Pond a shot. Around 1:00 pm, I decided to phone Time & Temp for weather conditions. I told Julie that if it was 46 degrees or above I was going. Although my temperature limit was just off the top of my head, 46 degrees turned out to be the exact temperature when I called. Therefore, it was time to pack up and go. I anticipated fishing alone as Dad had some stuff going on. However, after about twenty minutes on the pond, Brent showed up. He’d just gotten off work and stopped by Mom and Dad’s to see if anyone was fishing.

About a half hour after he arrived we moved in for a closer shot at The Beaver Lodge since our efforts in deeper water hadn’t produced any bites. Not long after Brent dropped the anchor, I felt the old familiar tap through the rod blank. As I stated, “There’s a hit,” I rammed the hook home and was rewarded with a tug back in response. I wasn’t sure if I got a solid hookset, but after a few thrashes on the surface I boated my first bass of the year. My concerns on the hookset were unfounded as the jig was completely engulfed and firmly hooked in the top of the fish’s mouth. Brent guessed the weight at 4-6 while I went for 3-5. Seems both of us were a little rusty as the fish nearly split the difference, tipping the scale at 3-11. The fish fell to a jig (black/blue glitter) and pig (#23 kicker frog-black). It was our only hit in around an hour and a half on the water but well worth the trip. It was also convenient that Brent showed up to witness the catch. Not to mention he got anchor duty in the chilly water and served as photographer, hopefully producing better results than some of my self-portraits. I’m sure I’ll get to return the favor somewhere along the way. Anyway, a great fish for my first bass of the year.

A good start to another year of fishing

Fun to read that things got off to a solid start fifteen years ago, especially since we’re still in icefishing mode here in 2019. Quite a winter and definitely ready for it to subside but no such luck with negative low temps returning for the next couple days. Oh well, at least I have the home stretch of the Blog Banner series to provide an escape from the extended bout with Cabin Fever. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – February 19, 2004

Emstrom’s Pond with Troy Jackson, Tim Townsend and Terry Jackson – February 19, 2004

Sure have heard a lot of icefishing stories lately as it has been a banner season for those who take to the hard water.

Me, not so much. I’ll stockpile my time away from home and wait for open water. While I wait, here’s some pictures and the scoop from the last time I went icefishing just as it was written up in the original post entitled “Outdoor Update” on March 3, 2004.


“On 2/19, Tim Townsend joined Dad and me for some icefishing at Emstrom’s Pond. Seven to nine inches of ice coupled with air temps in the low to mid 40’s is my type of icefishing. I wanted to get out just to say I went considering I hadn’t been icefishing for probably six or seven years. I’m not the diehard that Tim is as exemplified by what we each consider suitable conditions. Tim had a few stories about not standing too close to his fishing partner in order to keep the ice from collapsing or being able to see the bow in the ice from an angler’s weight. No thanks for me; I’ll put in the extra effort to drill through a few more inches. Anyway, it turned out to be a successful outing, once we located the fish.

We started out around The Beaver Lodge with little success as Dad caught three bluegill and I caught one. I elected to move to the east side of the pond where I thought there might be a few green weeds that help keep the water a bit more oxygenated in the area. It didn’t take long before I pulled in a couple bluegill right off the bottom in about seven feet of water. Not surprisingly, it didn’t take long before I had some company. Before we left, the three of us had pulled in 52 bluegill and a bass from this area. Tim caught the bass that we estimated at around 1-6 since we forgot to bring a scale. Dad was the icefishing king as he hauled in 31 of our 56 fish during about a three-hour stay. All fish were caught on ice jigs tipped with waxworms.”


Still plenty of ice out there so will see what the rest of the winter holds in store as I wait for open water. More Blog Banner posts kick in tomorrow to pass the time. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – February 19, 2014

Today we look back at the very first fish ever submitted to the “Top 5” project.

Pictured above is angler, Bruce Zilkowski, along with the details on his bass from the entry for the catch. And it all started after a conversation with one of Bruce’s friends, Terry Isbell. Now I had long compiled a list of my Top 5 bass catches for each outing but I sure hadn’t thought about keeping a tally of my annual five best bass. How that escaped me I have no idea but I was on board one hundred percent with the concept.

So, in 2014 at a former blogging gig I kicked off the “Top 5”, a sort of virtual brag board. Kind of the modern day equivalent to the stack of pictures that I used to marvel over at a pair of local baitshops, Al’s Sporting Goods and Steve’s Army Surplus.

Oh, what a collection of catches those shops used to hold.

Anglers of all ages and interests adorned the counters with all manner of species and sizes. A strip mine bass here, a Lake Storey muskie there, a hand-sized farm pond bluegill, a stringer of Oak Run crappie, some Spoon River catfish deeper in the stack or a stray Lake Bracken carp slid across the glass amongst a handful of other photos. Various handwritten details adorned the backs providing yet more to amaze this young angler.

Well, it’s all still part of the fun of the Top 5 project which has included anglers from age 8 to age 80 and has expanded to include various species as well. Regular Monday updates when the catching is good grace the blog along with monthly and yearly updates of the stats we amass.

A sample of those initial 2014 bass and their anglers.

And we’re doing it all once again in year number six that kicked off with a New Year’s Day bass nabbed before winter got all ugly around here. But it’s mid-February and pitchers and catchers have begun reporting which brings a faint glimmer of hope that my least favorite season will eventually loosen its grip.

Perhaps I’ll see a fish in front of your smiling face as 2019 rolls on. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – February 1984











Folks, I said that I was going to take things up a notch for year two of the Friday Flashback series and here we go.

Nothing like kicking it off with Clark Griswold.

What in the heck does he have to do with an outdoor blog you might ask?

Well, I’m gonna tell you.

Today’s posts takes us back 35 years to a February icefishing outing in Warren County, Illinois. Somewhere out there between Berwick and Greenbush if you must know. An old farm pond that was a fishing and trapping destination for Dad and Uncle Dick for many years in the 70s and 80s. Many a muskrat, bluegill, crappie or bass were selectively harvested from its lilypad infested waters over the years. Only place I’ve ever seen an American Bittern too in regards to my birding life list.

Dad and Uncle Dick hauling them in on one of their old faithful fishing holes

On this outing Dad and Uncle Dick weren’t the only brothers enjoying the spot. This time around a couple high school kids got to tag along in me and my brother, Brent. Kind of cool that somebody packed a camera to shoot a few shots of these two pairs of brothers doing the outdoor thing.

Me and Brent (background) getting in on the action and a classic 1976 spring haul for Dad and Uncle Dick from the pond

The photos reveal the aforementioned lilypad growth in the background of a couple shots among other things. You see, this outing predates some of the high tech gear marketed to the icefishing crowd these days. No Vexilar electronics or shelters here folks. Just knowledgeable, experienced guides, a couple lawnchairs, five gallon buckets and even a step ladder for a seat. Cool to see the low tech, low budget roots that still guide my approach to this day.

Oh yeah, like most ponds, this one was named for the landowner/farmer.

A place called “Griswold’s Pond.”

And yep, the fellow’s name was Clark Griswold.

Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback Intro

This is kind of what my brain looks like for this project, except a little less organized

In March of 2018 I introduced a series called “Friday Flashback” that featured a weekly revisit of some past outdoor adventures. It ran for 35 consecutive Fridays before wrapping up in November.

Well, it’s back.

Same concept as we take a stroll down Memory Lane while looking back in increments of five years. From now through November, every Friday will feature pics and words from 1984 or 1989 or 1994 or 1999 or…on up to 2014. All told, just over 40 mostly fishing related posts to kick off your weekend and perhaps inspire you to grab your gear and go.

And the 2019 version is going to take it up a notch from last year’s initial run that featured over 175 photos, more than a dozen guest appearances, two dozen fishing holes, lots of lures and close to 400 bass reeled in along with several other species. You never know what else may crop up and sometimes neither do I as none of the posts are yet composed, only a pile of notes (both mental and physical) and a date on the calendar.

It all begins next Friday with an icy blast from the past which is certainly a fitting start during what has been an ugly and lately dangerously cold winter in my neck of the woods.

Hope you’ll tune in.

But wait, that’s not all, as I’ve also got another project to launch that will keep you clicking in between those Friday Flashbacks. You know, we might just get through this winter yet. Talk to you later. Troy

2018 Friday Flashback Finale

Not only am I a stat guy, but I guess I’d have to say that I’m a wrap-up guy as well. I suppose my lifelong baseball fandom may shoulder much of the blame for these habits.

And similar to the world of America’s Pastime, we started this journey in March and are putting a wrap on it in November.

Therefore, it’s time for the recap and some stats, which in the world of blogging allows me to compile another post on a particular topic or series. In the process it also helps me to figure out what it all was supposed to mean, if anything at all.

The initial run of Friday Flashback began with a post on March 16. That submission offered up the premise of the series as looking back on outdoor adventures in increments of five years. Thus, you would get Friday posts that reminisced about events from 1988, 1993, 1998 and so on up until 2013. I’m actually kind of proud of the concept and the fact that I was able to fill up every Friday through November 9 with some “fish stories” and more.

All told, the series spanned 35 consecutive Fridays and featured over 175 photos to accompany my rambles. We managed to hit each of the five year marks along the way stretching all the way back to 1988 (5 posts). Chronologically we also visited 1993 (1 post), 1998 (3 posts), 2003 (13 posts), 2008 (6 posts) and 2013 (7 posts).

Here’s a look at some more of the final stats with some help from the pics below, all of which appeared in a 2018 Friday Flashback post.

Not just fish

Lots of lures

More than a dozen guest star appearances

Over two dozen fishing holes visited

Nearly 400 bass landed along with many other species

Now, I’ve done a bit of prowling on the internet over the years in search of fish stories and such and for better or worse there’s nothing out there that’s quite like what you get here. Lots of content, local flavor and an average Joe approach that hopefully more than a few fellow outdoor folks can relate to.

And coming your way in 2019…

And here’s the kicker, I’ve got four more years’ worth of this flashback stuff. We’ll kick it all off again in March 2019 as we look back in another batch of five year increments running from 1984 to 2014. Hope you’ll tune in for that long walk down Memory Lane and in the meantime stop back by as I’ve got plenty of other stuff to fill the fishing “off season.” Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – November 1, 2008

The Friday Flashback post possibilities get a little lean as we head into the next to last month of the year. But if the weather cooperates in a reasonable fashion and I can find time to get away, the annual goal is to put a November bass on the board. Ten years ago I was able to do just that. Below is the original post that was sent to a group of family and friends as my fishing finale from 2008.

11:01am – took an hour and a half of trying but got my November bass which also turned out to be Top Bass of the day at 17″ and 2-8 on a Zoom Baby Brush Hog

November Bassin’ – Always wanting to push the fishing year as late as possible, I’d held out hope that I could work in a November trip. Fate was on my side and I was able to spend one more day on Lake Storey. Just over six hours produced nine bass with a 2-8 taking Top Bass honors via a Zoom Baby Brush Hog. Two others gained entry into the record book at 1-13 and 1-10 with both falling to a Quad Blade spinnerbait (white). This bait was easily my top producer as it fooled seven bass and a Rapala DT6 (parrot) was responsible for one fish. While this trip failed to add any “accidents”, a nice muskie did take a couple swipes at the spinnerbait but failed to get hooked. It was likely in the mid 30 inch range and really got the adrenaline pumping with a near surface strike roughly ten feet from the boat.

Original log entry from this outing

1:16pm – 14.5″ and 1-10 on a spinnerbait

Date: November 1, 2008
Location: Lake Storey – Knox County, IL
Time: 9:30am-4:00pm
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Air Temp: 55F
Water Temp: Forgot to check
Totals: 9 bass
Quad Shad Spinnerbait (white) – 7 bass
Rapala DT 6 (parrot) – 1 bass
Zoom Baby Brush Hog (green pumpkin green) – 1 bass
Top Bass: 2-8 Brush Hog
Top 5 Weight: 7-13 (2-8,1-13,1-10,0-15,0-15)

1:23pm – 15″ and 1-13 on a spinnerbait and did a little better with the lighting on at least one pic

One more Friday Flashback post to go for 2018 to wrap up of the series which kicked off back on March 16 and had a run of 35 consecutive weeks. In the meantime, the Top 5 Update streak continues on Monday with a multispecies flavor (a new species at that). Hope you’ll tune in and talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – October 29, 2013

We don’t travel too far back in time this week with a look at a 2013 visit to Eureka Lake in Woodford County, Illinois. I’d always wanted to give the 30-acre fishing hole a look but just couldn’t pull the trigger despite reading some high praise and seeing some solid fish pics over the years (including a double-digit bass). Well, leave it to a fall drawdown to push me to finally get it done as the secrets revealed when the fisheries managers pull the plug are too much to resist.

Here’s an excerpt from the original post submitted on my former blogging gig almost exactly five years ago today (11-1-13).

During my regular fishing related wandering around the internet a couple weeks ago I learned that Woodford County’s Eureka Lake was in the process of a fall drawdown. A report of a lowered lake is music to my ears and I started checking the calendar and the weather forecast for a chance to introduce myself to some bass I’ve never met. Earlier this week things worked out allowing me to meet a handful of the inhabitants and learn a few of Eureka’s normally hidden secrets.

Original log entry from the trip

Date: October 29, 2013
Location: Eureka Lake
Time: Noon-3:00pm
Weather: Overcast/windy (from southeast)
Air Temp: 45-57F
Water Temp: 48F
Totals: 3 bass
Lures: Strike King Red Eye Shad (sexy shad) – 2 bass, Yum Crawdad Texas rigged – 1 bass
Top Bass: 1-3 tie (one on each of above lures)
Weight (2 bass at 12” or better): 2-6 (1-3, 1-3)

12:02pm – instant feedback but wouldn’t pan out to be a real hot bite on this cool day

Notes & Nonsense

The Launch – The lake has been lowered in order to facilitate ramp renovations so getting a boat launched required an alternate plan. I’d picnicked at the lake with Julie and whatever kids we had at the time several years ago but I really couldn’t recall what would work best for dragging in my eight foot johnboat. I wound up finding a spot near the dam that was suitable in terms of solid footing on the exposed lake bottom but it involved a 50-60 yard drag down and up a decent hill. It took three trips each way but I was able to haul in the boat, oars, a battery, trolling motor, anchor, too much tackle, life jacket, boat cushion, five rods, a tripod and a bottle of Gatorade. As I write this, my back still twinges when I bend a certain way but other than that it wasn’t too bad. I was the only boat on the lake which made me feel extra tough as well.

1:00pm – Top Bass (tie) at 13″ and 1-3 on a Yum Crawdad

The Plan – I like to fish fast if I can get away with it and knowing I only had three hours to explore the 30 acre lake had me hoping I could find some active bass in the 48 degree water.  Two minutes into casting I had some feedback on a Red Eye Shad and I was pretty much committed for the day, for better or worse.  I did slow down around some wood in a number of spots but it was largely a lipless crankbait, spinnerbait and crankbait attack.  If I had another shot and more time to invest on the water I would probably slow down more.  But I likely won’t get a revisit this year and for this trip I really couldn’t intricately pick apart pieces of the lake and still see all that I wanted to see.

Tough day when you have to post a pic of a dead one but sure would have liked to have found it during its better days (1/4 oz Red Eye Shad for comparison)

Ones That Got Away – About midway into the trip something real heavy stopped my Red Eye Shad dead and plowed towards deeper water. Several seconds later it just let go and left me kind of bummed thinking that I‘d missed my shot at a real good bass. However, twenty minutes later I was battling a similar strike that had me all around the boat before surfacing to reveal that it was a big old carp (maybe 12-14 pounds) that was snagged in the back. I had no dipnet and no idea how I would get the thing landed and really was just hoping that it wouldn’t bust my 12 pound test and take my lure. After a good battle the lure safely dislodged and I wasn’t particularly disappointed as it was great fight while it lasted and I still had my Red Eye Shad. A fellow was walking his dog on the shoreline and we had a laugh as he said he thought that fish was going to wind up pulling me all around the lake in that little boat. I had another similar brief lure stopping encounter later that I chalked up to the same species and it left me feeling a whole lot better about that first lost fish, thinking it wasn’t a lunker bass after all. I did lose a bass at boatside on the Yum Crawdad that would have been my Top Bass although at best it may have pushed two pounds.

Interestingly, Eureka Lake is in the midst of another drawdown five years later. This time around it is to deal with the overpopulation of those carp that I snagged into and also features a complete rehabilitation of the fishery. In layman’s terms that means a total fish kill or a do over as Illinois Department of Natural Resources knocked out the remaining fish population once the lake was drawn down to more of a puddle. It sounds like the plan is to reintroduce various species in 2019 followed by a catch and release phase before establishing size and creel limits. If you are in the neighborhood I would certainly recommend taking a peek at the exposed structure revealed by the substantial drawdown as that sort of thing doesn’t happen very often. There are some killer stumps out there that could pay dividends for you down the road. Send me some pics as I don’t figure that I’ll get down that way for a look of my own. Talk to you later. Troy