Blog Banner – Twisted Sisters

“All of the people around us they say, can they be that close?”

We Are Family – Sister Sledge (1979)

Phipps Prairie Park in Silvis, IL with Helena and Carly – April 29, 2018

Okay, so maybe the pose lends itself more to a title of “Turned Sisters” but that didn’t seem as catchy. Besides, it packs a little added musical punch from the days of “hair.” And while I couldn’t find an apt lyric from the band of similar name, you can’t go wrong with Sister Sledge, right?

Plenty going on in this shot of our first two kids. Fun to see them happily coexisting and fortunately that isn’t necessarily uncommon for our teenager and a soon to be teenager. Sure, there’s the expected sibling squabbles but deep down I find that they get the concept of family being the closest bond around.

Spending some of that quality bonding time outdoors away from today’s technological distractions is also an important aspect of this photo. You know, a hike in the woods with the devices put away for a while actually lends itself to something called conversation. Not texting, not chatting, not tweeting but actually speaking to someone within earshot. Comments and observations about the natural surroundings are definitely an added bonus.

Another fun bit of getting along occurred not too long after this photo was taken. As you see, both ladies have matching pairs of shoes at this point. Well, after a misstep in a small creek by the girl in the black shoes, the girl in the green shoes took one for the team. An earlier picture in the Blog Banner series taken after this shot shows that consideration won out over coordination in the form of mismatched footwear.

A small gesture from your kids can sure bring a big smile to their parents.

Talk to you later. Troy

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