Hennepin Canal Report – May 8


Work has been hectic this year, resulting in longer days and weekend duty. For the effort, my boss suggested that I take a weekday off and “go fishing.” No sense arguing with that directive, so I headed to The Canal last Wednesday to try my luck on unfamiliar waters.

Date: May 8
Location: Hennepin Canal (two pools)
Time: 7:50am-10:50am, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Totals: 14 bass
Weather: Sunny to overcast/windy to very windy
Lures: Z-Man Chatterbait (sexy shad) with a Zoom Z Swimbait trailer (electric blue chartreuse) – 10 bass, War Eagle Spinnerbait (chartreuse/white) with Bass Pro Shops Twin Tail trailer (Houdini) – 2 bass, 5” Yamamoto Senko (blue pearl/silver flake) – 2 bass
Top Bass: 2-12
Top 5 Weight: 9-1 (2-12,1-15,1-9,1-7,1-6)

Winning lures

Notes and Nonsense

Row, Cast, Repeat – I chose a destination that would allow me to check another uncharted spot off my Canal quest. The main factor that has kept me off this stretch is that it is devoid of shoreline windbreaks. As the forecast predicted a mere 3-4 mph breeze, it was time to give it a shot. However, I should know better as 2024 has been windy as ever and the weather prognosticators were way off the mark.

8:46am – Top Bass Runner Up at 1-15 (16″) on a Senko

Dirty Water – In addition to the wind factor, the water was quite dirty due to recent rains. The Canal does have a green color in this area, but the cleaner green was replaced by a dingier green. I’ve got to admit that the wind and clarity gave me fits and the bass weren’t cooperative. I fought the challenging conditions for three hours and three bass before deciding to switch to Plan B.

2:53pm – Crooked Canal bass, may have been a “keeper” if straight

Plan B – My aim was to head east to another unexplored stretch once I had taken a shot at my initial destination. Unfortunately, the water clarity got worse as I drove east and checked a pair of spots. Therefore, I headed west for Plan C.

4:04pm – Top Bass at 2-12 (18″) on a chatterbait

Plan C – I ended up on a stretch that I had only partially explored by boat and bank for a few hours. The wind was still ugly, but the water clarity was improved, and I had driven enough that it was time to get back in the boat. Three hours produced eleven bass, a welcome improvement over my three bass morning shift. Included in my haul were four of the day’s Top 5 and Top Bass of 2-12.


Endangered Species – As I ended my day, I ran into a rare sight, someone who reads my blog. I believe that we had met previously on a winter hike while scouting a mile or so upstream. On this afternoon we swapped Canal information and experiences as I rowed near the ramp. Once I reached dry ground, we chatted a bit more and I was able to witness the angler land a bass on a topwater propbait just before I hit the road. It’s always fun to chat with fellow Canal anglers and I was happy to see his success on a topwater presentation. I’d employed a similar bait throughout the day and never got a single strike. It’s good to know that I am not wasting my time throwing such a lure too early. I guess that I just need to work on my touch and keep plugging away.

4:30pm – Last cast bass, a good way to call it a day

A slow start followed by a change of scenery saved the day. I only managed three “keepers” on my first stop which means a return trip in the future to complete a Top 5. In contrast, I did complete a Top 5 on the second stretch. However, the 8-7 Top 5 Weight leaves me within striking distance of the ultimate goal of a double-digit Top 5 from each section of The Canal. So, I guess that I will pencil in both stretches for future visits. Talk to you later. Troy

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