All four kids were down in Knox County a couple Fridays ago fishing with my folks and some cousins, so Julie and I took advantage to have a date night. And what better place for a date than the Hennepin Canal?
7:07pm – First bass at 1-8 (15″) on a Whopper Plopper
Date: June 14
Location: Hennepin Canal
Time: 6:40pm-8:40pm
Totals: 7 bass (Julie – 6 bass, Troy – 1 bass)
Weather: Sunny/breezy, 81-73F
Lures: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone) – 6 bass, Spro Flappin Frog 65 (albino) – 1 bass
Top Bass: 2-10 (Whopper Plopper)
Top 5 Weight: 8-12 (2-10,1-10,1-10,1-8,1-6)
Winning Lures
Notes and Nonsense
Destination – I selected a spot that I had intended to fish earlier in the week. That previous plan did not materialize as detailed in my “Hennepin Canal Report – June 11” post as I opted not to infringe on other anglers who were already fishing in the area. And one of those anglers later corresponded that the bite had been solid, including a good “one that got away.” Armed with that information, I decided to check the spot again and Julie and I had it all to ourselves on this evening.
An air freshener on the cap kept the gnats at bay but it did not deter the dragonflies
Rewriting the Record Book – This stretch lived up to the fellow angler’s report as Julie landed a half dozen bass, all “keepers” (12” or better and all released). While playing guide, I did fish and managed to land one “keeper” of my own to avoid the shoutout. If you read the blog, you know that I track the Top 5 Bass for each spot that I fish on The Canal. Prior to this trip, the mark stood at a less than stellar 5-5 after four trips (1-3,1-1,1-1,1-0,1-0). How cool is it that every one of Julie’s catches were heavier than anything in that Top 5 as they ranged from 1-4 to 2-10 and her Top 5 total for the trip was an impressive 8-12.
7:59pm- Good looking Top Bass at 2-10 (18″) landed by a good looking lady
Getaway and Got Aways – With four kids at home, a little away time as a couple is always a welcome prospect. I enjoyed the role of fishing guide and subjected Julie to a steady ramble of reasons why we were casting what we were casting and why we were casting where we were casting. Of course, there were also the obligatory fish stories from The Canal and beyond as they related to our quest, or not. Julie was a committed angler as she displayed enthusiasm when the bass busted the Whopper Plopper, focus as she battled her catches to the boat, and a bit of disappointment when a couple threw the lure and become “ones that got away.” Her smile in the pics also says plenty about a quality fishing date night.
7:53pm – Avoiding my shutout with a 1-3 (14″) on a frog
Couldn’t ask for a better night as The Canal did not let us down. Many thanks to the bass in that old waterway for living up to the fish stories I’ve been telling Julie for the last couple of years. And now she has a few of her own. Talk to you later. Troy