Lake Storey Report – September 21

A successful Monday on Lake Storey prompted me to get back out on the old fishing hole again on Saturday.

9:32am- Top Bass Runner-up at 1-15 (16″) on a spinnerbait

Date: September 21
Location: Lake Storey, Knox County, IL
Time: 7:30am-11:30am
Totals: 8 bass
Weather: Sunny to heavy rain/breezy to windy, 64-77F
Water temperature: 76F
Lures: War Eagle spinnerbait (chartreuse/white) – 6 bass, Strike King Red Eye Shad (sexy shad) – 1 bass, ZMan Chatterbait (sexy shad) with swimbait trailer – 1 bass
Top Bass: 2-10 (Spinnerbait)
Top 5 Weight: 9-10 (2-10,1-15,1-14,1-11,1-8)

Winning lures

Notes and Nonsense

Avian Anglers – There’s more to fishing than fishing and there are more anglers than just the guys and gals on boat and bank. Several birds that have fish in their diets were also hanging around the lake. Prowling the bank and perching on some dead trees were several great blue herons and their smaller relatives, green herons. The trill call of a kingfisher also caught my ear as it flitted about the shoreline in search of a meal. Twice a barred owl emerged far enough out of the woods for a good look (did some research to verify that these eat fish on occasion). Lake Storey is also good for spotting a one-of-a-kind bird of prey, the osprey, and this day it did not disappoint. And finally, I had the good fortune of observing a bald eagle. The majestic bird is a much more common sight these days around fishing holes but remains a treat.


Missed Spots – I strayed from my regular route to start the day as bank anglers and one boat had beat me to my spots. All good though as it forced me to explore water that I don’t normally fish. And maybe there’s a reason I skip these stretches as my first two hours on the water only produced two bass with one keeper weighing in at 1-8. Once I got to my go-to spots the next two hours resulted in six bass, four of which were keepers totaling 8-2. Then the storm started brewing.

Night and Day – It wasn’t only the bite that was like night and day between the start and finish of the trip. The day began bright and sunny as I launched around 7:30am intending to fish until 3:30pm. I made my way down the entire lake focusing mainly on the southern bank with the intent of hitting my spots on the north bank as I made my way back to the ramp. Around 11:30am I found myself near the beach and the skies did not look so good in the west. My weather app confirmed that a storm was headed my way just about the time that Brent sent the above text. Rumbles of thunder and a few flashes of lighting got my attention as I trolled back to the launch, arriving nearly in time to avoid getting wet. Thankfully, Brent was waiting and assisted with loading the boat just as the skies unleashed. We ended up sitting in the truck for over thirty minutes before finishing boat prep for the ride back to my folks.

9:37am – Top Bass at 2-10 (17.5″) on a spinnerbait

Lucky Me – An abbreviated trip but I counted my blessings considering the plight of a few fellow anglers encountered along the way. As I was launching, I met a fisherman headed back to the boat ramp. He had elected to end his day out of concern that his two-wheel drive wasn’t going to cut it after spinning out on the ramp after he launched. I offered to assist and was ready to pull his truck, but all was good. Turned out, his trailer had dropped off the end of the ramp when launching resulting in the earlier spin out. At the end of the day, a pair of anglers beached their boat in the rain and hustled to their truck shortly after we’d pulled out. Brent and I were left scratching our heads as they headed back out during a slight break in the downpour. Unfortunately for them, the skies opened up big time, and I suspect they were left bailing their boat and certainly drenched.


While I was disappointed that the weather ran me off the lake only needing one more decent bite to get a ten-pound Top 5, it was a solid four hours on the water. But I’m not done with Lake Storey quite yet as I plan to be on the lake again real soon in search of that double digit Top 5. Stay tuned and talk to you later. Troy

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