Top 5 Update

A pair of November bass shows up this week. And while neither was large enough to boost either angler’s Top 5 Weight, it sure is nice to still be catching bass as the year winds down.

Weight: 1-3 (spotted bass)
Angler: John KIrkemo
Date: November 6
Weather: Partly cloudy
Air Temp: 70s
Water Temp: 72
Location: Lake Keowee (near the Fairfield Inn on Route 123, Seneca, SC
Lure: Rapala X-Rap (perch)
Angler Comments: Trolled a shallow running silver and black Rapala for a while without any hits. Switched to the Rapala X-Rap which is a deeper running suspending lure and caught this fish trolling through the area indicated on the attached map. I turned around and began trolling the same lure across the same area in the opposite direction and hooked another fish but lost it before I could get it close to the boat. No other hits during 2 hours of fishing.
Top 5 Weight: 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)

Bonus pics from John of the Rapala X-Rap and an “X” marks the spot of where to troll it

Weight: 1-15 (15.5”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: November 10
Weather: Partly cloudy, very windy
Water Temp: Not available
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: War Eagle Spinnerbait (chartreuse/white)
Structure: Drop
Angler Comments: This was the first bass of the outing, and it bit five minutes after launching. I had high hopes, but the bite turned out to be slow with only two more bass in the next two hours. All good though as they are all “bonus” bass at this point in the year.
Top 5 Weight: 16-5 (3-10,3-6,3-3,3-2,3-0)

Time will tell if we get any more submissions, but the weather up here is still holding out, so you just never know. And those South Carolina bass should still be plenty active with water temperatures in the seventies. Stay tuned for an overdue Top 5 Stat Update soon and there’s a fishing report to submit to cover my November 10 visit to The Canal. Talk to you later. Troy

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