Month: June 2024

Top 5 Update

This week’s update features a late spring South Carolina bass that I was unable to add to the previous update and our first summer bass of the year. Read on for the details on a pair of bass, one spotted, and one largemouth.

Spotted Bass
Weight: 1-13 (16”)
Angler: John Kirkemo
Date: June 11
Weather: Setting sun with some clouds
Water Temp: 85F
Location: Lake Hartwell, SC near Coneross Corps of Engineers Campground
Lure: Shallow running silver and black Rapala
Angler Comments: This fish was caught while trolling at 1.6-1.7 mph along the shoreline in nine feet of water.
Top 5 Weight: 10-9 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-13)

Weight: 2-8
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: June 23
Weather: Partly cloudy/calm
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Spro Flappin Frog 65 (albino)
Structure: Weed bed/sticks
Angler Comments: The Whopper Plopper bite had been good, but I was concerned that the disappearing cloud cover would end the bite. Therefore, I opted to go after some “shady bass” in a weed mat under cover of some trees. I was rewarded on the very first cast after shifting gears with what would be my Top Bass of this outing.
Top 5 Weight: 13-6 (3-0,2-12,2-9,2-9,2-8) culls a 2-6

This week’s submissions bring our 2024 bass total to fifty-one fish. The annual goal is to see if we can hit one hundred bass entries for the year. Well, we are halfway there in terms of numbers and halfway there in terms of the calendar. I hope to get another member or two of our household on board as we head through summer and anyone else out there is welcome to join as well. Just send pictures and details of your catches to Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

This week’s update features a new angler for 2024 although she has been involved in the past. My wife, Julie, and I tackled The Canal on a Friday date night a few days after I had taken a shot in an adjacent area. These two spots were not high on the list in terms of quality fish, but our latest trips proved to be a bit of an eye-opener. Read on for the details on our half dozen catches.

Weight: 2-10 (18”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-10 (16”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-10 (14.5”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-8 (15”)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)

Weight: 1-6 (14.5)
Angler: Julia Jackson
Date: June 14
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Whopper Plopper #110 (bone)
Top 5 Weight: 8-12 (2-10,1-10,1-10,1-8,1-6)

Weight: 2-9 (17”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: June 11
Weather: Sunny/breezy
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: Booyah Buzz Buzzbait (snow white shad)
Angler Comments:
Top 5 Weight: 13-4 (3-0,2-12,2-9,2-9,2-6) culls a 2-1

Well done by Julie as anytime you wind up within one more quality bite of a ten-pound limit on an outing is a winner. And we only fished for two hours. Fun to have another participant on board and hope she can cull a few of those on her way to double digits. Stay tuned for the full report from our outing later this week. Talk to you later. Troy

Hennepin Canal Report – June 11

I enjoy this time of year as the longer days allow me to work in a few hours of fishing after the typical workday ends around 5:00pm. And twelve days was long enough between trips so off to The Canal I went.

7:44pm – Top Bass at 2-9 (17″) on a buzzbait

Date: June 11
Location: Hennepin Canal
Time: 6:05pm-8:35pm
Totals: 17 bass
Weather: Partly cloudy to sunny/breezy, 80F
Lures: Booyah Buzz Buzzbait (snow white shad) – 15 bass, 5” Yamamoto Senko wacky rig (pumpkin black flake) – 2 bass
Top Bass: 2-9 (Buzzbait)
Top 5 Weight: 8-4 (2-9,1-8,1-8,1-6,1-5)

Winning Lures

Notes and Nonsense

The Plan – I was lukewarm on my intended destination as two previous visits hadn’t produced much to brag about. In fact, my Top 5 sat at a mere 5-5 (1-3,1-1,1-1,1-0,1-0), barely over one pound per bass. That was part of my goal; to give that Top 5 a boost. In addition, the water levels in this area looked to be higher than previous years, which was to my liking. Higher water on The Canal may only amount to half a foot but it brings new cover into play and makes existing cover more appealing. And it is always fun to visit a body of water under varied conditions to see what you can learn.

Plan B – So, with all that said regarding my initial plan, I never made a single cast at my intended destination. I spotted another angler in the area and as there is not much of a “passing lane” on The Canal, I opted to fish in the other direction instead. Like the intended stretch, this area also had much room for improvement with a Top 5 of only 6-8 (1-6,1-6,1-6,1-3,1-3) from three prior visits.

Top Bass Runner Up clip below


Close But No Cigar – Seventeen bass in a two-and-a-half-hour trip is a definite winner, especially after a slow start of only three bass in the first hour on the water. I also shattered the Top Bass mark for the pool with the 2-9 more than doubling the previous record of 1-3. However, I still fell short of the boost needed to push my all-time Top 5 for the pool to the ten-pound mark. The Top 5 mark now stands at 8-5 (2-9,1-8,1-8,1-6,1-6). Which means that I need a return trip. That prospect became more encouraging as the results of this trip were much better than the prior visits. By the way, did you know that the phrase “close but no cigar” is said to have originated on the carnival midway? Apparently, cigars were once given as prizes and if a patron fell short on a game, well, there you go.


This impromptu outing on a low-ranking stretch of The Canal turned out to be an eye opener with a dozen “keepers” and a new Top Bass for the spot. It just goes to show that my previous struggles to find a good bite on this stretch don’t mean that they aren’t there. More like it simply wasn’t my day. I took this lesson and put it to work on the next visit as I hit the area I originally intended to fish on this outing. And I had a special guest angler along for the row. Stay tuned for that report as well as a Top 5 Update to begin next week. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Stats

Back with another look at the numbers as we head towards the mid-point of another Top 5 year.

Bass Totals (largemouth and spotted)

2024 Totals
March = 15 bass
April = 16 bass
May = 11 bass

Top 5 Weight by Month
March = 18-3 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-4,3-1)
April = 11-0 (2-8,2-7,2-4,2-0,1-13)
May = 14-15 (3-6,3-4,3-0,2-12,2-9)

Boat vs. Bank
Boat = 25 bass
Bank = 17 bass

Boat vs. Bank Weight
Boat = 14-5 (3-4,3-4,2-12,2-9,2-8)
Bank = 17-5 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-1,2-6)

Public vs. Private
Public = 42 bass
Private = 0 bass

Public vs. Private Top 5 Weight
Public = 18-8 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-6,3-4)
Private = no submissions

The Baits
Jerkbait = 15 bass (Top Bass 2-8 John Kirkemo)
Chatterbait = 10 bass (Top Bass 4-6 Jim Junk)
Plastic Worm = 5 bass (Top Bass 3-4 Brent Jackson)
Lipless Crankbait = 4 bass (Top Bass 2-6 Jim Junk)
Popper = 3 bass (Top Bass 3-6 Brent Jackson)
Spinnerbait = 2 bass (Top Bass 3-0 Troy Jackson)
Buzzbait = 1 bass (Top Bass 2-9 Troy Jackson)
Crankbait = 1 bass (Top Bass 1-11 Troy Jackson)
Frog = 1 bass (Top Bass 2-1 Troy Jackson)

Monthly Top Bass
4-6 Jim Junk
2-8 John Kirkemo
3-6 Brent Jackson

2024 Top 10 Bass
4-6 Jim Junk 3/3
3-14 Jim Junk 3/18
3-10 Jim Junk 3/3
3-6 Brent Jackson 5/4
3-4 Jayce Jackson 3/31
3-4 Brent Jackson 5/5
3-1 Jim Junk 3/17
3-0 Troy Jackson 5/4
2-12 Troy Jackson 5/8
2-9 Troy Jackson 5/19

Angler Weights
Jim Junk 17-5 (4-6,3-14,3-10,3-1,2-6)
Brent Jackson 13-6 (3-6,3-4,2-7,2-4,2-1)
Troy Jackson 12-12 (3-0,2-12,2-9,2-6,2-1)
John Kirkemo 10-7 (2-8,2-7,2-0,1-13,1-11)
Jayce Jackson 3-4 (3-4)

Other Species

Troy Jackson 3-13 (3-13)

Channel Catfish
John Kirkemo 2-3 (2-3)

John Kirkemo 28” (28”)

Striped Bass
John Kirkemo 6-11 (3-5,2-6,1-0)

Trout (brown and rainbow)
John Kirkemo 24” (12”, 12”)

Just five of us in the Top 5 this year but anyone else is welcome to join and perhaps I can see about putting a few more family members on some fish this summer. Stay tuned and talk to you later. Troy

Hennepin Canal Report – May 31

I took a day off work last Friday to continue my quest to hit a double-digit Top 5 on each stretch of The Canal from Colona to Sheffield. The area I chose sat at a Top 5 Weight of 9-14, so all I needed was a catch to give me a two-ounce boost. While I did not get that bite, I did catch a fair amount of bass along with a first for a bonus species. Read on for the results.

10:59am – Top Bass at 1-5 (14″) on a Senko

Date: May 31
Location: Hennepin Canal
Time: 7:00am-11:30am
Totals: 10 bass, 1 bowfin
Weather: Sunny/breezy, 57-75F
Lures: 5” Yamamoto Senko (pumpkin black flake) – 6 bass, 3.75” Strike King Rage Tail Swimmer (pro blue/red pearl) with 3/8 oz. belly hook – 3 bass, Booyah Buzz Buzzbait (snow white shad) – 1 bass, 5” Yamamoto Senko (blue pearl/silver flake) – 1 bowfin,
Top Bass: 1-5 (Senko)
Top 4 Weight (only 4 at 12” or better): 4-1 (1-5,1-2,0-13,0-13)

Winning Lures

Notes and Nonsense

Senko Success – The Senko wacky rig is arguably my best presentation of all-time, but my use is limited on The Canal as I tend to rely on other lures. The shallow waters of The Canal let me get by with a collection of power presentations and the clarity of much of the water isn’t top notch for the wacky rig. However, it can still get the job done as it saved the day on this outing with half a dozen bass in the last hour and a half on the water.

7:33am- First ever bowfin at 3-13 (23″) on a Senko

Bonus Bowfin – As noted above, the Senko wacky rig was a winner. And not only on bass as it also landed my first ever bowfin. I have wanted to add this species to my list for many years but had come up empty on my two previous hookups. My first encounter was a dozen years ago at the Emiquon Preserve when one threw my spinnerbait at boatside. Just last year, I lost a second one within reach on The Canal when it broke my line after hooking up on a Senko. Luck was on my side on this outing and that’s what it boils down to as the catch was an “accident” while bass fishing.

Species List – The Canal is a wild waterway as there are stretches that harbor a crazy collection of species. On this outing, I landed only two different species (largemouth bass and bowfin) but had a third hooked (green sunfish). However, I also observed several other species over the course of the morning consisting of bluegill, smallmouth bass, channel catfish, common carp, shad, an additional bowfin, and a large freshwater drum. Earlier this week, I saw a social media post with an angler landing a white bass/striper, and two years ago, I landed a sauger. Farther to the east, I have also seen posts of paddlefish and buffalo. Of course, there are also crappie, flathead catfish, and I suspect a couple other panfish species along the way. Suffice to say, The Canal is a unique manmade fishing hole, and I am happy that I chose to start exploring back in 2021.


While I was seeking a 1-11 to knock out a 1-9 and get me to a double-digit Top 5 on this stretch, the best bass I could muster was a 1-5. No help to my quest but adding more bass to my yearly total and a bonus bowfin all made for a successful trip (and better than working, right?). So, at some point I will be back. June starts as a busy month on the family side of things so fishing will take its rightful place a ways down the priority list. But stay tuned as the Top 5 quest will continue along with a few other ideas over the summer. Talk to you later. Troy

Top 5 Update

Quality bass bites to boost any of our anglers’ totals have been hard to come by in the last couple of weeks. However, when you are out there chasing bass on the Hennepin Canal, you never know what might take a liking to your lure. Hence, we added another species to the Top 5 project this week.

Species: Bowfin
Weight: 3-13 (23”)
Angler: Troy Jackson
Date: May 31
Weather: Sunny/breezy, 60F
Location: Hennepin Canal
Lure: 5” Yamamoto Senko (blue pearl/silver flake)
Angler Comments: In what I call a bass fishing “accident”, I landed my first ever bowfin. Over the years, I have had a couple others hooked but they managed to get away. An exciting and hard fighting fish that I would welcome on the end of the line any day.
Top 5 Weight: 3-13 (3-13)

This fun, prehistoric catch was a welcome addition to the Top 5. For some reason, the bowfin (also called a “dogfish”) has gained a bad rap over the years as a rough/trash fish. I beg to differ as it is a native species whose ancestors appeared on the scene around 250 million years ago and the hardy bowfin may just outlast us anglers if left to do its thing. Talk to you later. Troy