Category: Flashbacks

Friday Flashback – June 26 & 28, 1995

Although I’ve neglected these types of waters for nearly a decade, there’s something special about spillways and streams. Many good memories and many good fish courtesy of a simple dew worm, a “secret” doughball or a can of corn. It really doesn’t get much more basic than tossing in one of those baits, waiting for a tug and pondering what is on the end of the line as you set the hook.

Twenty five years ago this week I was able to cover both spillway and stream fishing over the course of just a few days. A handful of fellow fishermen (Dad, Brent and Mark “Geek” Junk) joined up to take a shot at a couple legendary fishing holes known as “Pat’s Creek” (Henderson County, IL) and “The Spillway” (Lake Bracken). Below is a slideshow of the photos that served to document those enjoyable adventures.


The crazy thing is that all of these years later I have plenty of moving water up here in the Quad Cities worth visiting. If I could just put down those bass rods…

Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – June 19-20, 1995

Better late than never this time around as the Friday Flashback darn near didn’t show up until Saturday. Been a wild week of work that wrapped up about four hours ago upon ending a roughly 1,000 mile/16 hour drive from Kinston, NC to the Quad Cities (four hours last night and twelve today). I am beat but not too beat to meet my Friday deadline.

Mark “Geek” Junk

Today’s flashback takes me back to a time with far less responsibilities for a trio of more or less single guys back in 1995. Joining me at the Lake Bracken Spillway on this trip were a couple old buddies known as “Geek” and “Hack”. Throw in some doughballs and an adequate supply of Milwaukee’s Best and you’ve got yourself an adventure.

And on this day it sure was a good time as evidenced by the rewards from a pair of carp battles.

Matt “Hack” Reynolds

A fun outing with some good guys who I’d say are now even better. Each of us has added a better half and a batch of eight kids over the last quarter century. We’ve long scattered in different directions and rarely see each other these days but when we cross paths it’s just like old times. Can’t ask for better friends than that. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – June 17, 1995

Guess what “officially” turns 30 years old in just a few weeks.

Why, Snakeden Hollow, of course.

The old Knox County collection of fishing holes holds plenty of memories for me, my brother and my dad. And today’s flashback happens to be one of those memories. My biggest bass from the area, nabbed on a Zara Spook, 25 years ago this week.

It’s a little weird to me looking back. So many pictures grace the internet these days where you have no idea how big the fish truly is based on the camera angle, the proximity of the bass to the lens and the integrity of the angler.

No matter, not for me to question or judge. I just enjoy the pictures and reports and leave the scrutiny to others who feel the urge to add their two cents.

So, my biggest Snakeden bass came in at 5-2 although it sure doesn’t look like it one of the pics. This one could raise an eyebrow, even for the guy who caught it as he looks back 25 years later. But I’ve landed, measured and weighed thousands of bass over the years and never once felt the need to stretch one. After all, nearly all of them are meticulously documented in a collection of fishing logs dating back 35 years.

Fortunately, my brother, Brent, was along on this day to snap a shot with the scale in view. Zooming in, the display indeed reads 5-2, so no funny business going on with my trophy (released as always).

Another weird aspect of this catch is that I caught it on a spot that I would initially name Spook Lake after the lure that fooled the bass, the Zara Spook. In the 25 years since, I have never caught anything remotely close to this bass out of this pothole. I believe my runner-up comes in at 1-15. Due to the lack of future quality catches I even went so far as renaming the lake. Along with it’s somewhat linked companion, the fishing holes now bear the names of Upper and Lower Twin Lakes.

Just a strange catch all the way around and one I’ll always remember. That’s today’s story and I’m sticking to it. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – June 1, 2005

A couple weeks ago, the Friday Flashback told of the first Senko bass I ever caught. May 22, 2005 at Lake Bracken, a true highlight in a lifetime of fish stories. Well, just over a week later, Dad and I were back on Lake Bracken and that wacky presentation was on the end of my spinning rod. Below is the original log entry along with the original fishing report submitted on June 30, 2005 as part of a “June Wrap Up.”

Original log entry – June 1, 2005

June 1 – The first day of the month turned out to be the only day of the month that I actually wet a line. Dad and I hit Lake Bracken from 5:30am-9: 30am and we landed 31 bass. Dad led the way catching 19 with 12 coming on a Rebel Ghost Minnow, 5 on his tube jig and one apiece on a plastic crawdad and a twister tail. I caught 12, all of them on my Senko. The highlight of the day was a 5-0 that I caught off of a stump in about seven feet of water. The bass currently holds the Top Bass title for the year and missed the Lake Bracken record by one ounce.

Senko record of 5-0 from June 1, 2005 (later eclipsed on May 19, 2007)

If I wasn’t hooked on the Senko from the success of that first May outing, my second trip wielding the lure certainly sealed the deal. It’s been a mainstay in my arsenal ever since.

Oh, by the way, Dad and I would make our next visit to Lake Bracken on July 13, 2005. Guess what lure caught ten of his eleven bass? Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – May 22, 2005

Today’s flashback covers a fishing trip with Dad to Lake Bracken exactly 15 years ago today. According to the original fishing report, our outing was quite successful (see original log entry and original report below).

May 22, 2005 – Following our success on 5/21, Dad and I decided to hit Lake Bracken again this morning even though I had to work second shift later in the day. We were on the water at 5:40 am and fished until 10:40 am as I had plans for a nap that never actually materialized. Our focus was on bass fishing and the largemouth did not disappoint. We combined for 39 bass including a pair that eclipsed the Top Bass for the year. My 2-5 on a plastic worm held the title for about an hour and a half. Dad then bested my fish by a pound as he nailed a 3-5 to reclaim the title. A great finish to a successful weekend of fishing that saw us catch 72 bass in our 12 hours of bass fishing. We each found our own secret weapons to catch bass and post records today but we’re remaining tight-lipped for the time being.

Dad with a couple quality bass caught on his “Secret Weapon” (read on for reveal)

All of these years later, here is the rest of the story regarding those “secret weapons.” Dad was wielding a tube, a lure that had its heyday back in the late 90s but never caught on in our family. On this outing, however, Dad used the tube to fool his three best fish totaling just shy of six and a half pounds. You see, Dad is a bit more willing to change it up than his oldest boy who gets a little stubborn and set in his ways.

Dad with our Top Bass of the outing at 3-5 on a tube

After a tough start on this outing though, I cast the stubborn streak aside in favor of trying something new. That something new was a highly regarded presentation generally known as the Senko wacky rig. These days I simply refer to the setup as a “Senko” although many other manufacturers besides Gary Yamamoto make such baits and they can be fished in many ways beyond wacky. My first ever Senko bass came fifteen years ago today at 7:38am off of a drop on the southeast edge of Snake Island and weighed 2-5, my Top Bass of the day. Currently, the log shows that I am sitting at 962 Senko bass and counting. Perhaps I’ll have a celebratory post honoring Senko Bass #1,000 which I suspect will show up in the next month or two.

A historic bass, my first ever Senko catch at 2-5

Another Senko Friday Flashback tale coming your way next month but plenty more stuff in the meantime. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – May 25, 2000

I don’t know about you but when I fish an area frequently I begin to come up my own names for spots on the body of water. Such was indeed the case for Knox County, Illinois’ Lake Bracken. I first fished it with some Little League teammates around 1978 or 1979, enjoyed our family’s membership through the 80s and then owned a house with the lake as my backyard from 1994-2003.

5/25/2000 Lake Bracken 17.5″ 2-9 Mann’s Baby 1- Crankbait from Shed Cove

Many memories and many fish including those in today’s flashback which takes me back to a time with far less responsibilities. Not only had we not started a family yet but I didn’t even have a job in May 2000. The latter aspect was about to change but I still had a few days to goof around.

And part of that goofing around was fishing.

5/25/2000 Mark Junk 5-11 Carp on a doughball at The Spillway

From the log entry above, it looks like I made a day out of it. I spent the afternoon bass fishing on the lake and then headed to The Spillway to chase some carp for the evening with my buddy, Mark “Geek” Junk. And then it was back up to the lake to try our hand at some catfishing at The Clubhouse. Results appeared to be decent with Geek’s nice carp and one fair sized bass for my contribution.

5/25/2000 Mark Junk 13-15 Carp at The Spillway on a doughball

But the real reward is being able to look back at the pics and the log entry and reminisce. There’s no place quite like The Spillway and The Clubhouse was no longer a “clubhouse” as the building had burnt down many years prior. And all of these years later, I could still take you right to Patterson’s Cove, Idlewild, Sandy Bank and Shabena Cove. Bet I could even find a bass or two along the way. Talk to you later. Troy

Guest Perspective

NOTE: On this special day, I welcome a guest blogger, my wife and the mother of our brood, Julie. Enjoy.

To quote a dear friend of mine, “It’s all about perspective.” – Aaron VanMiddlesworth.

Think about it. Today your fishing report is brought to you from a new perspective. A female. A wife. A mother. But then again, is it? An angler. An outdoor person. A spouse. A parent. That’s the usual perspective of TJO, right? Let’s throw in photographer. There’s always piscatorial pics embedded throughout the traditional roving report.

Once upon a time, I took a photography class at Carl Sandburg College. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures, but it was inspiring to have to take specific kinds of photos for different assignments for the class. Seeing things from behind a camera lens was creatively appeasing, and I think I captured some pretty interesting images. They were all black and white because I developed my own film and printed the photos myself as well. I loved going to the darkroom, as it was exciting to see what would be revealed on the film and photo paper since I used a manual camera without a digital display to see what the photos would look like before being printed. All adjustments needed to be made before the button was pressed. No delete and reshoot 13 times like with my cell phone pics today.

The point of my photography class recap is to introduce you to a picture I took during that time. You may need no introduction – you may know it very well. It’s the one that TJ Outdoors uses on his business cards and YouTube Channel. And it shows what my perspective was back when he and I used to go on outdoor adventures just the two of us. Because there were only two of us.

The picture I speak of is the silhouette of TJ walking up a path packing his tackle and poles headed to a fishing hole. I followed him that day with my camera in hand and just thought my view was a nice perspective of this fisherman. I can’t recall now if he knew he was a subject for one of my assignments at the time or if I even used it for class, but it has always been one of my favorites. And TJ must like it ok too if he prints it on his cards. I also don’t recollect if fish were fooled let alone specific species or sizes. I know someone who could find out for me though…

So recently, we took our four children on one of those outdoor adventures and I recaptured that perspective. Of course this time the picture was taken with my cell phone camera with a color digital display, and I snapped several shots as the kids followed their father – all toting tackle and poles up the path to the fishing hole.

Not only is my photography at another juncture, but so are our outdoor adventures. Now we’ve always taken our kids fishing, hiking, camping and such. But this time it was different. It had been awhile. I didn’t spend the entire morning packing. We didn’t have strollers, diaper bags, potty seats, pack and plays or any sort of pint-sized paraphernalia. The kids helped make sandwiches and pack a cooler. Each kid wore his/her own boots and walked the path (or lack thereof sometimes) in them. They even grabbed their own gear for the most part.

That’s the moment I was struck with incentive to share my perspective. Again. As I bent down to pick up just my equipment and follow the rest of the crew, I remembered taking a picture of TJ all those years earlier and how the scene from that perspective had changed a bit. I wasn’t preoccupied by babies and baggage and just consumed the contentment as I clumsily collected my camera in the form of the cell phone from my pocket to capture the moment in order to share and compare this sight with the image printed on the TJO business card.

It really is all about perspective. Amen, AVM!

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

Friday Flashback – May 3, 2000

Twenty years ago I was without a job and essentially without a care. My employer of the previous ten years, National Seal Company, had left town in January 2000 and left me with a reasonable severance package that paid me until June. A single, thirty something guy with a longtime girlfriend (now my wife) could get by for a while.

A keepsake from that old job (1990-2000) that I keep in my tacklebox 

But as the need to find a new job began to become a bit more pressing, so did the need to get on the water while I had ample free time. Today’s flashback outing was about as long distance as I get with roughly an hour drive from my hometown of Galesburg, IL to Fulton/Peoria County’s Banner Marsh. I made this trip with my then brother-in-law, Tim Townsend, and my Dad’s Bass Tracker in tow.

I’d never fished the area before and horsepower restrictions relegated us to a trolling motor only approach. I recall it being a struggle to find some bass in the pair of lakes we chose, one of which required a substantial troll (and much of our battery) to reach a wide open expanse of humps and flooded timber.

Original log entry from the May 3, 2000 outing

And it was in a spot with such a mix of cover that I boated the larger of the only two bass I fooled on the day. But hey, if you are only going to catch two bass it sure is nice when one is a four-pounder (one ounce shy is close enough, right). Kind of fun too, that I caught both of my bass on the Blue Glimmer spinnerbait. Twenty years later, almost to the day (5/4/2020), I had a banner day on an area strip mine with the very same lure (Top 5 Update and fishing report to come next week).

Another shot of my first ever Banner Marsh bass

And also twenty years later, the spot is in the midst of statewide closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic despite it being rather remote and spread out. I know one Top 5 angler who is particularly missing his stomping grounds. Hang in there, Jim, as at least we’ve got some other fishing holes for a fix.

In fact, I have several fishing reports to come from some of those waters along with a batch of Top 5 bass on Monday so stay tuned. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback-April 27 to May 5, 1985

Looking back 35 years ago for this week’s flashback, it appears that I may have missed my calling. From the looks of my old fishing log, I should have been a fishing guide. After all, during the nine days spanning April 27, 1985 through May 5, 1985, I spent parts of seven days on the water and fished with ten different “clients.”

April 27, 1985

April 28, 1985

April 29, 1985

These “clients” included my dad and each of my three siblings (two brothers and a sister). I guess Mom must have been busy that week.

In addition to family, friends rounded out the rest of the ten fishing partners. The log only identifies the co-anglers by first name but I think they all deserve a shout out. From the Galesburg High School Class of 1985 were Doug Dawson, John Junk, Craig James, Jason Radakovich and Joe Dennis. And the GHS Class of 1987 was represented by Mark Junk.

Quite a crew, several of whom were frequent fishers out at Knox County’s Lake Bracken during the latter half of my high school senior year and on through that summer. All told, the old green notebook that served as my first fishing log covers sixty-four fishing trips spanning January 19, 1985 through August 25, 1985.

April 30, 1985

May 3, 1985

May 4, 1985

May 5, 1985

I suspect we’ll explore more of the contents of that green notebook as 2020 progresses. Talk to you later. Troy

Friday Flashback – April 25, 2010

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat.

I am not what one would call a master morel hunter. In fact, I would have to classify myself as a mediocre morel mushroom man, at best. There have only been two occasions where I have stumbled upon what I would consider a motherlode of mushrooms. The first occurred on the wild south side of Lake Bracken back in the 1990s, right where one would expect to find some, near some dying elm trees. Never could duplicate the feat upon repeated visits over the following years despite adhering to the standard morel harvesting guidelines. Those being pinching not pulling and toting a mesh bag.

The second big haul occurred in a much stranger setting on the wild south side of Galesburg in a vacant lot next to our house at the time. That 2009 highlight will have to be a story for another day. Similar to the first motherlode, I was never able to repeat as only three showed up the next year likely due to someone regularly mowing the vacant lot (not me).

Anyway, for today’s flashback, a portion of the original report from April 29, 2010 went like this:

“On April 25, I found seven at Little John. Now when I say seven, I mean seven individual mushrooms, not seven pounds like the reports from some of the more talented hunters. Two hours of walking resulted in four singles and a batch of three in another spot (along with two ticks). Such is my typical lack of success but I was not alone as two other fellows I encountered that afternoon reported similar single digit finds.”

You know what’s cool though? My kids had no clue that my mushroom per hour ratio was pretty humbling. In fact, they actually thought I was some kind of morel hero. Fungus finder or fungus failure, it’s good to be a dad. Talk to you later. Troy